Akron Ohio News - Bath trustees hear update on Surface Water Management District - Akron Leader Publications

11/29/2018 - West Side Leader
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By Chris Partis
Nick Sanders was administered the oath of office as Bath’s new communications specialist at the trustees’ Nov. 19 meeting. Shown from left are Trustee Jim Nelson, Fiscal Officer Sharon Troike, Trustee Elaina Goodrich, Trustee President Becky Corbett, Sanders and Police Chief Vito Sinopoli.
Photo: Chris Partis
Summit County Engineer Alan Brubaker attended the Bath Board of Trustees meeting Nov. 19 and presented an update on the status of the Surface Water Management District (SWMD), which was created by his office to seek solutions to regional storm water issues. Bath joined the SWMD in 2017.

Brubaker said in 2018, the SWMD generated revenue of $355,250 from Bath. Residential property fees of $4 per month generated $164,500 and nonresidential property fees of $4 per month per 3,000 square feet of impervious surface area generated $190,750. He added the nonresidential category includes agricultural, commercial, industrial, institutional and multi-family residential properties.

Brubaker explained the work of the SWMD in Bath will be focused on the Yellow Creek watershed, which covers most of the township’s land. He added township areas outside the watershed will be serviced on a request basis.

Brubaker said the SWMD has contracted with Sustainable Streams LLC to develop a Drainage Basin General Improvement Plan to provide comprehensive watershed planning instead of addressing problems haphazardly.

He stated the SWMD will begin a comprehensive watershed assessment project Dec. 3, and potential future projects will include stream bank erosion mediation, streambed rehabilitation, floodplain restoration, retention basin retrofits to optimize storm water retention, and remediation of flooding in the Wye Road area.

Brubaker said he is looking to form a citizens’ advisory group “to help us have a good program that does what we want it to do” and to help ensure that the SWMD is expending funds to the benefit of the citizens who have provided them.

In other business, trustees approved:

• hiring Nick Sanders as a part-time communications specialist for the Bath Police Department, and administered the oath of office to Sanders during the meeting;

• the resignation of Police Officer Debra Yarcheck, who retired Nov. 8 after “39 years and one day” of service to the township, according to Trustee President Becky Corbett. She also said Yarcheck, who “so many people over the years have known as Officer Debbie,” will be greatly missed by the residents of Bath;

• the placement of Police Officer Eric Shaffer on injury leave status, effective Nov. 12, following a severe ankle injury suffered in the line of duty;

• a payment of $74,095 to Liberta Construction Inc. through the 2018 Summit County Pavement Repair Program;

• a payment of $86,916 to Perrin Asphalt Co. and $78,038 to Melway Paving Co. through the 2018 Summit County Resurfacing Program;

• a payment of $152,683 for a new Kenworth 5-ton truck from Hissong Kenworth, of Richfield;

• a new three-year contract with Bath Professional Firefighters, International Association of Firefighters Local 4130, for Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2021. Township Administrator Vito Sinopoli said negotiations started early and the two sides were able to come to a workable decision, with the main substantive changes from the current contract being wage increases of 1.5 percent in 2019, 1.25 percent in 2020 and 1 percent in 2021, along with elimination of the 40-hour wage rate;

• renewal of the township’s membership in the Coalition of Large Ohio Urban Townships in 2019 with a membership fee of $200;

• a resolution adopting a general snow emergency authorization, which will allow the township to limit or prohibit parking on any township street or highway during a snow emergency declaration. This declaration would be issued whenever snowfall exceeds 2 inches or a severe snow or ice condition exists, and would serve to remove impediments to efficient road clearing by township road crews; and

• requisitions, regular purchase orders and payments totaling $126,444.

The trustees reminded residents about the Bicentennial Gala tomorrow, Nov. 30, at 6 p.m., and the Bicentennial Future Day at the Bath Nature Preserve Dec. 1 at noon. For more details on those events, visit www.bathcelebrates200.com.

The next regular trustees’ meeting will be held Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. in the trustees’ meeting room of the Bath Administration Building, 3864 W. Bath Road. A hearing for the proposed rezoning of 4837 Medina Road will take place at 6 p.m. The trustees will hold a settlement meeting Dec. 17 at 4:30 p.m., following the regular trustees’ meeting at 4 p.m.

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