How to detect hearing loss in children - KSAT 12

This article is sponsored by Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children.

Parents, early detection and intervention are an important part of helping a child with hearing loss.

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, "About 2 to 3 out of every 1,000 children in the United States are born with a detectable level of hearing loss in one or both ears." 

If you're unsure if your child is at risk for hearing loss, Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children provided a checklist that can help. 

Hearing health checklist

0-3 months

  • Listens to speech.
  • Turns to you when you speak.
  • Repeats the same sounds.

4-6 months

  • Looks around for the source of new sounds.
  • Notices toys that make sounds.
  • Speech-like babbling with many different sounds.

7 months to one year

  • Enjoys games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake.
  • Responds to requests like "come here."
  • Has one or two words ("bye-bye," "dada," "mama"). 

1-2 years

  • Points to a few body parts when asked.
  • Follows simple commands and understands simple questions ("Where's your shoe?").
  • Uses some one-and two-word questions ("Where's kitty?" "What's that?").

2-3 years

  • Understands the differences in meaning ("Go-stop").
  • Uses two-and three-word sentences. 
  • Has a word for almost everything. 

Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children enriches lives and improves listening, language and speech for children. Every child is embraced by its dedicated staff and provided with the necessary skills to learn in a rich auditory-oral environment. 

Sunshine Cottage offers comprehensive hearing evaluations for children 3 weeks-old to five-years-old with its team of audiologists who specialize in pediatrics.

On Oct. 16, Sunshine Cottage will have its annual Legacy Luncheon to celebrate the commitments, the successes of the students and to honor its founder's legacy. 

For more information, visit or call 210-824-0579. 

Copyright 2019 by KSAT - All rights reserved.


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