Stonington to proceed with budget hearing virtually - News from southeastern Connecticut -

Stonington -- The Board of Finance plans to holds its public hearing on the proposed 2020-21 budget as scheduled on April 9 at 4 p.m.
The always well-attended hearing, though, will be streamed on Facebook Live and there will be a dial in option for those listening by phone who want to comment.
The board is also asking those who want to comment to do so by the preferred method of submitting written testimony of no more than 300 words, equivalent to a two-minute speech, by 4 p.m. April 7.
The comments can be emailed to, mailed to Town of Stonington, 152 Elm St., Stonington, CT 06378 or placed in a drop box outside Town Hall.
Residents should cite the area of the budget they plan to comment on (general government, human services and outside agencies, public works, police, board of education and capital improvement program) and if they are in favor or opposition.
Residents wishing to speak during the hearing must call Town Hall at (860) 535-5050 by 4 p.m. April 7 to provide information on the area of the budget they wish to comment on, if they are in favor or opposition of that area and to reserve their spot. Comments will be limited to two minutes.
“The Town is strongly urging those who want to participate to write in their testimony. We are working together to try and keep the taxpayers involved and informed during this, but have limited resources and ask for your understanding if we experience any technical issues,” the town said in announcing the hearing options.
The 2020-21 budget book is available at
Anyone with questions can call Town Hall at (860) 535-5050.
The Board of Finance also held its two recent budget preparation meetings virtually, streaming them on Facebook Live and allowing town and school official and residents to call in and comment.
The proposed $72.2 million budget would increase the tax rate by 0.24 mill to 23.60 mills. While the proposed budget is actually $1.4 million less than the current budget, the tax rate is increasing because the board had used $3 million of its undesignated fund balance to offset taxes in the 2019-20 budget.
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