Deaf and impaired hearing communities face challenges during COVID-19 pandemic - WJCL News

People wearing face masks poses new challenges for those already living with communication challenges.Dr. Caroline Zuck, audiologist, at the Savannah Speech and Hearing Center says one of challenges folks in the deaf and hearing impaired community are trying to overcome is how the face masks are making communication more challenging. Dr. Zuck says many people in the deaf or hearing impaired community rely heavily on social cues like facial expressions or lip reading, and wearing a face mask hides those actions. As well as filter out the sounds the deaf and hearing impaired depend on when communicating with others.Another challenge is sign language; Dr. Zuck says it can also be difficult for folks as we try to practice social distancing guidelines. “Something as easy as going to the grocery store and you want to go up and order something from the deli--the person working there has the masks, you have the masks, and it’s harder as well because people are distancing. It’s all necessary but it does offer a challenge for people with hearing impairment," Zuck said. Right now — Zuck says the Savannah Speech and Hearing Center is doing everything for current patients at the center with specific hearing loss needs, but says they’re not doing any hearing testing or similar types of services. For folks with any hearing loss, Zuck says to advocate for yourself and safely try to tell someone that you’re having trouble understanding them.

People wearing face masks poses new challenges for those already living with communication challenges.

Dr. Caroline Zuck, audiologist, at the Savannah Speech and Hearing Center says one of challenges folks in the deaf and hearing impaired community are trying to overcome is how the face masks are making communication more challenging.


Dr. Zuck says many people in the deaf or hearing impaired community rely heavily on social cues like facial expressions or lip reading, and wearing a face mask hides those actions. As well as filter out the sounds the deaf and hearing impaired depend on when communicating with others.

Another challenge is sign language; Dr. Zuck says it can also be difficult for folks as we try to practice social distancing guidelines.

“Something as easy as going to the grocery store and you want to go up and order something from the deli--the person working there has the masks, you have the masks, and it’s harder as well because people are distancing. It’s all necessary but it does offer a challenge for people with hearing impairment," Zuck said.

Right now — Zuck says the Savannah Speech and Hearing Center is doing everything for current patients at the center with specific hearing loss needs, but says they’re not doing any hearing testing or similar types of services.

For folks with any hearing loss, Zuck says to advocate for yourself and safely try to tell someone that you’re having trouble understanding them.


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