Report recommends STARS replace Local HERO as region's primary helicopter medevac operator - Fort McMurray Today

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A provincial report is recommending the Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service, or STARS, become Alberta's dedicated helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) provider under the plan. The 30-page report also recommends folding STARS' dispatch into the centralized EMS dispatch system that the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) is fighting in court.

It is not mentioned if organizations already providing this service, such as the Fort McMurray-based Local Helicopter Emergency Response Organization (Local HERO), would still play an EMS role if the Alberta government turns this recommendation into policy. Paul Spring, president of Local HERO, said the organization would likely dissolve.

"Looking at the recommendations, the programs would cease to exist. STARS is just going to run everything," said Spring. "We don't know what that looks like, all I can go with is what's on paper right now in the report."


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Spring also said the non-profit's relationships with the municipality, First Nation and Métis leaders, oilsands operations, the Department of National Defence, Regional Emergency Services and Wood Buffalo RCMP are critical in helping with search and rescue operations. STARS would take over these operations, but Spring said the report is light on what that would look like.

"Search and rescue is a big component of what we do out here," he said. "The idea that they'll work with the regions is very vague. I don't know what that means."

STARS already covers most of the province from bases in Calgary, Edmonton and Grande Prairie. The Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo area and Medicine Hat rely on non-profits for helicopter medevac services.

Alberta covers roughly 23 per cent of STARS' annual operating costs under a 10-year contract due to expire in September. The review estimates STARS' annual operating costs would be $41.5 million if they became Alberta's sole provider of HEMS. It also recommends Alberta boost funding for the group to $20.8 million from $8.4 million currently.

Spring's operation has responded to 500 calls since 2013. Advanced care paramedics are provided by the municipality. Local HERO announced in 2019 plans to replace its current helicopter, which has room for one patient, with a helicopter that can carry two patients.

Local HERO's annual expenses are $3.5 million. Alberta Health Services (AHS) provides $1 million annually and the RMWB approved $2.2 million in funding last December. Oilsands companies have contributed $700,000 annually since 2019. Fundraisers and donations raise roughly $650,000 annually.


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Laila Goodridge, UCP MLA for Fort McMurray-Lac La Biche, said she is reviewing the report but hopes Local HERO can continue playing a role in local health care. Tany Yao, UCP MLA for Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo, is skeptical of bringing STARS to the region.

"I question how they came to some of their conclusions. I would prefer the rotary be dispatched locally for this region," said Yao. "I'm concerned about the bureaucracy and the expenses that STARS would cost this region when that money could be spent elsewhere in our health system."

A review of helicopter emergency medical services in Alberta recommends expanding the role of STARS and more than doubling the operational funding it receives from the provincial government. File photo
A review of helicopter emergency medical services in Alberta recommends expanding the role of STARS and more than doubling the operational funding it receives from the provincial government. File photo jpg, SP

Mayor Don Scott said the municipality is reviewing the report's recommendations and wants to hear feedback from emergency leaders, community groups and Local HERO. But, he is not a fan of replacing Local HERO with STARS.

"Administration and the municipality have supported that system and Local HERO… for as long as I can remember," said Scott in a Wednesday interview. "I would really need to see some strong evidence that any changes that they proposed are going to bring an improvement to the system."

Steve Buick, spokesperson for Alberta Health Minister Tyler Shandro, said the province will consult current HEMS providers before a decision is made.

"The goal is to deliver a consistent standard of care across the province. The minister is open to input about how to do that, including the future role for HERO and how HEMS services are configured to ensure coverage across the province," he said. 

"STARS already dispatches all HEMS province-wide. Integration with EMS dispatch will help ensure every patient gets the right level of care when they need it, anywhere in the province."


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