Russian and Indian millennials: Born in the same era, but so different! - National Herald

That is why RM are not similar with modern American (Western) left-liberal, progressive, social Millennials and combine conservative values with classical liberal stance on politics and economy. RM are supporters of market capitalism with a limited share of state and sympathise with modern, post-industrial, diversified economy. RM prefer low taxes for the rich and middle class and restriction of social programmes for poor and illegal immigrants. However, in general, RM have nothing against state participation in strategically important sectors of industry if there is clear understanding between the state, business and society.

We can't say that RM are nihilists devoid of their own views. RM are much more right-wing (conservative, classical) liberals, by necessity not standing apart from some elements of nationalism. RM insist on the rights and freedoms as primal value and support a strong state – guarantee of natural rights. RM believe in existence of universal, fundamental and inalienable rights.

RM combine faith in progress and positivist science with respect to traditional values such as family and church. Compared to conservatives, RM are more willing to support the demolition of quite orthodox traditions and prejudices, but compared to left-liberals they are more religious and that is why are not fond of free love and same-sex marriage.

RM are not followers of multiculturalism and favor strict control of illegal migration. RM are skeptical about tolerance to sexual and ethnic minorities in its modern interpretation and are not in favor of creating artificial advantages for minorities. For RM, privileges and discrimination are equally unacceptable. The ideal model of society is an 'apartment building' where you need to follow the rules, but in general «nobody truly cares about anyone».RM respect strong political leaders and support parties of 'Law & Order', such as 'United Russia', and that is why advocate a more active struggle against crime, support more serious punishments for criminals, pay special attention to the fight against terrorism.

As for foreign policy, RM believe in president Vladimir Putin and support his vision of Russia's status in international arena. But it is also true that even if they support Russia's great-power aspirations and display a high level of patriotism, their preference goes to domestic issues over foreign policy ones.

Millennials are at the forefront of modern life. We see that patterns of change are different. In some cases, like use of digital technologies, millennials contribute to acceleration of existing trends whereas in other cases, like multiculturalism, they provide a break in these trends.

If we formulate the future historical role of RM in politics, they will unlikely try to change configuration of modern society, because the image of the future different from the previous thirty years of modern Russia has not been formed at all. As for IM we don't see a clear demarcation of left-right politics among them. It is more about which leader looks more promising, and who can deliver. When compared to RM, IM are more polarized drifting towards conservative specter.

(Ashish is a doctoral candidate of political science at the NRU-HSE, Moscow, Russia. Dmitry Kochegurov, PhD, is a Research Fellow at the Institute for the US and Canadian Studies (ISKRAN), Moscow, Russia)


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