Men's health tips: Can tight jeans cause testicular cancer? Doctors answer - Hindustan Times

Testicles are usually at a cooler temperature than the rest of the body but can tight underwear and pants cause an increase in temperature resulting in lower sperm counts and an increased risk of testicular cancer? Doctors answer
Men's health tips: Can tight jeans cause testicular cancer? Here's what doctors reveal (Image by Darko Djurin from Pixabay )
Men's health tips: Can tight jeans cause testicular cancer? Here's what doctors reveal (Image by Darko Djurin from Pixabay )
Updated on May 23, 2022 08:04 PM IST
ByZarafshan Shiraz, Delhi

Testicles are usually at a cooler temperature than the rest of the body and there is a theory that tight underwear and pants may cause an increase in temperature resulting in lower sperm counts and an increased risk of testicular cancer. Studies prove that wearing tight pants, especially tight jeans can develop testicular cancer.

This condition worsens when symptoms like a sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum and pain or discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum began to show signs of early testicular cancer. Health experts believe there is a dire need to address this and revamp fashion and its approach by placing men's health first.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr J Harikishan, Senior General Physician at Hyderabad's Kamineni Hospitals, revealed, "Men who wear tight or ill-befitting trousers, which are restrictive around the groin area, could be damaging their health. Wearing tight-befitting apparel over a prolonged period of time can lead to urinary tract infections leading to over-activity of the bladder - a type of bladder weakness as well as a low sperm count and fungal infections."

He shared that the exact cause of testicular cancer is unknown and any man can develop it but it is more common in men who were born with an undescended or incompletely descended testicle or testicles. Elaborating upon the same, Dr Nitin Yashas, Consultant - Medical Oncology at Manipal Hospital in Sarjapur and Jayanagar, explained, "Testicular cancer usually presents with one-sided scrotal swelling."

He added, "Some of the risk factors associated with testicular cancer are cryptorchidism – a congenital condition where the testes would not have descended into the scrotal sac. It is also noted that those with a family history of testicular cancer particularly males who have had a brother or father diagnosed with testicular cancer have an increased risk. Other risk factors include HIV infection and certain genetic disorders such as down syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome. There is no proven high-level scientific evidence that tight jeans or tight clothing increase the risk of testicular cancer. It is very important that men seek immediate attention when they notice testicular swellings. Treatment of testicular cancer is associated with very high cure rates."

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