Public health concerns update | Counseling, Health & Wellness Services | PLU - Pacific Lutheran University

Dear PLU Community,

We are writing today to provide you with a follow up to the communication that you received on July 29, 2022. In that communication, we outlined fall protocols for both COVID-19 and MPX (previously referred to as Monkeypox). Now that more detailed information about risk mitigation for MPX has become available from the CDC, the Washington Department of Health (WADOH), and Tacoma–Pierce County Public Health (TPCPH), we are sharing that information, as well as updating you on the continued availability of masks and antigen-testing supplies on campus.

First, a reminder about antigen self test and mask pick-up points on campus. As long as we are able to maintain access to supplies, antigen tests will remain available at no cost at both Old Main Market and Campus Safety. You are also encouraged to order your three free tests at, and to keep your own readily available set of antigen tests. PCR tests (rapid PCRs will be available soon) continue to be available through the Curative kiosk in the Health Center parking lot and, for symptomatic students, both rapid antigen and PCR tests are available through the Health Center.

KN95 masks may be picked up at Old Main Market, Campus Safety, residence hall front desks, and The CAVE.

The CDC, WADOH, and TPCPH have continued to update the public about the MPX public-health emergency, and they also continue to emphasize that most people are at low risk for contracting the virus. Higher levels of risk are associated with some behaviors or environmental conditions; the following chart, provided by the Chicago Department of Health, offers a visual summary of risk for transmission based on activity.


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