VA Papillion Community Living Center | VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care - Veterans Affairs

Veterans who are outpatient and interested in more information should reach out to their Primary Care Providers and PACT Social Workers.   PACT social workers assist with outpatient placement and can make referrals to the PCLC on your behalf if inquiring on rehabilitation, respite, and/or skilled needs.  Veterans may at times need supportive care and this will be determined on a case by case basis to ensure that veterans' are in the best environment possible to have all of their needs met.   

There are activities for Veterans of all ages. There are family friendly places for visiting. Veterans are invited to decorate their rooms. And, pets are allowed to visit or live in the Community Living Center.

Veterans may stay for a short time or, in rare instances, for the rest of their life. It is a place where Veterans can receive nursing home level of care, which includes help with activities of daily living (e.g., bathing and getting dressed) and skilled nursing and medical care.

Veterans whom are hospitalized will be referred directly from the hospital social workers involved in the veterans' care if interested in the PCLC.  Every case will be reviewed by a team of professionals who anticipate veteran's needs at time of admission, during their stay , and at discharge.  PCLC Social worker will work directly with veterans and family to help ensure there is a safe discharge plan in place that meets veterans' needs. 

Veterans will be considered for admission based on their skilled and rehabilitation needs. Once a veteran is admitted their therapy, dietary, pharmacy, spiritual, medical, and nutritional  needs are evaluated and an inter disciplinary team works together to ensure the best plan of care while residing at the CLC is developed to promote healing and wellness.  PCLC recognizes the importance of veteran comradery and hopes to facilitate an atmosphere of care and compassion that ultimately helps our veterans get back on their feet faster compared to other traditional rehab settings. 

Currently, our facility, is limited on the ability to take admissions from the community due to COVID.  However in the future we hope to open up admission to community veterans. At this time, we are only accepting referrals from the Omaha VA, for admission.

Visiting hours are limited with COVID and are updated with our Veterans and families on a weekly basis (per National VHA/CLC guidelines).  

There are over 100 Community Living Centers across the country. See this current listing of other VA Community Living Center Locations.

Learn more about VA Community Living Centers


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