Out & About: August 2019 - Grand Rapids Magazine

AUGUST 9-11 – Hispanic Festival: Hispanic Center of Western Michigan's 42nd annual festival includes entertainment, food and activities celebrating Latin American heritage. Begins 5 p.m. Fri. Calder Plaza, 300 Monroe Ave. NW. Free. hispanic-center.org/hispanic-festival.
AUGUST 17-18 – GRandJazzFest: Eighth annual free jazz festival featuring local and national musicians. 12:30-10 p.m. Sat., 1-7 p.m. Sun. Rosa Parks Circle, 135 Monroe Center NW. grandjazzfest.org.
AUGUST 7-18 – Restaurant Week Grand Rapids: More than 75 local restaurants offer fixed-price lunch and dinner menus ($15, $25 or $25+). experiencegr.com/restaurant-week.
Don't forget to mark your calendar!
Aug. 5-10 – Kent County Youth Fair: Activities include tractor/horse/pony pulls, theater, dance, karaoke, music, talent show, carnival and food. Kent County Fairgrounds, 225 S. Hudson St., Lowell. kcyf.org.
See Special Events
Aug. 8-10 – Cowpie Music Festival: Eclectic live regional bands, food, beverages and crafts. Camping available. Shagbark Farm, 7500 Alaska Ave. SE, Caledonia. cowpiemusicfestival.com.
See Music
Aug. 8-24 – "Superior Donuts": Circle Theatre presents the story of an older man who owns a run-down doughnut shop and the black teenaged employee who wants to change the shop for the better. Aquinas College PAC, 1703 Robinson Road SE. $26-$30. circletheatre.org.
See Stage & Film
Aug. 10 – A Glimpse of Africa: Inaugural family-friendly, free festival celebrating African cultures through fashion, art, food, dance, music and more. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Rosa Parks Circle, 135 Monroe Center NW. bit.ly/GlimpseOfAfrica.
See Special Events
Aug. 23 – Alabama: Country rock band performs 50th anniversary tour. 7 p.m. Van Andel Arena, 130 W. Fulton St. $32-$127. vanandelarena.com.
See Music
Aug. 24-25 – Mini Maker Faire: Sixth annual science fair/invention festival with more than 150 makers including robotics, alternative energy and more. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Grand Rapids Public Museum, 272 Pearl St. NW. grandrapids.makerfaire.com.
See Special Events
Aug. 25 – Millennium Meadows Marathon: Marathon, half-marathon and 6-mile races. 7 a.m. Millennium Park, 1400 Maynard Ave. SW. $40-$80. facebook.com/millenniummeadowsmarathon.
See Sports
Special Events
Through Aug. 4 – Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival: National festival honors the men and women of the U.S. Coast Guard with parades, music, carnival, picnic, kids activities, car show/cruise, ship tours and fireworks. coastguardfest.org.
Through Aug. 18 – Summer of Brunch Food Truck Rally: Food trucks at the Fulton Street Artisans Market every Sunday. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 1145 E. Fulton St. facebook.com/grfoodtrucks.
Through Aug. 27 – Summer Night Market: Hosted by Fulton Street Farmers Market every Tue. 5-8 p.m. 1145 E. Fulton St. fultonstreetmarket.org.
Through Aug. 28 – Dancing on the Grand: Live music and dancing every Wed. 7-9 p.m. Waterfront Stadium, 101 North Harbor, Grand Haven. facebook.com/dancingonthegrand.
Through Aug. 28 – Kickin' It at Calder: Grand Rapids Food Truck Association hosts food trucks every Tues. and Wed. 11 a.m.-1:45 p.m. at Calder Plaza. 300 Monroe Ave. NW. facebook.com/grfoodtrucks.
Through Aug. 29 – Happenings on Harvey: Themed community nights with shopping, kids activities and food every Thu. 6-8 p.m. Harvey Street, downtown Hudsonville. Free. hudsonvillechamber.com.
Through Aug. 29 – Holland Street Performers: Musicians, acrobats, face painters, balloon artists, jugglers, magicians perform along Eighth Street in Holland. 6:30-8:30 p.m. every Thu. Free. downtownholland.com.
Through Sept. 19 – Relax at Rosa: Outdoor lunchbreaks with live bands and food trucks. Noon-1:30 p.m. every Thu. Rosa Parks Circle, 135 Monroe Center NW. downtowngr.org.
hrough Sept. 29 – Fulton Street Artisans Market: Weekly market with local handmade art. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. every Sun. 1145 E. Fulton St. grartmarket.com.
Through Oct. 4 – Food Truck Fridays at Riverside Park: Grand Rapids Food Truck Association hosts food trucks every Fri. 5-9 p.m. 2001 Monroe Ave. NE. facebook.com/grfoodtrucks.
Aug. 1-3 – Rockford Summer Sidewalk Sales: Participating stores in downtown Rockford offer discounts and activities. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Thu., 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. facebook.com/heartofrockford.
Aug. 2 – August in Ada: Free rides, games, crafts, food and entertainment. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Ada Township Park, 1180 Buttrick Ave. SE, Ada. adabusinessassociation.com.
Aug. 2 – First Friday Gallery Hop: Participating galleries, shops and eateries stay open 6-9 p.m., presented by Avenue for the Arts. South Division Avenue between Fulton and Cherry streets. avenueforthearts.com.
Aug. 3 – Art in the Park: Fiftieth annual juried fine arts and crafts fair with 300 artists. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Centennial Park, 250 Central Ave., Holland. hollandfriendsofart.com.
Aug. 5-10 – Kent County Youth Fair: Activities include tractor/horse/pony pulls, theater, dance, karaoke, music, talent show, carnival and food. Kent County Fairgrounds, 225 S. Hudson St., Lowell. kcyf.org.
Aug. 5-10 – Michigan Pirate Festival: Re-enactors, time-period cannon demonstrations, activities. Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave., and Harbor Island in Grand Haven. michiganpiratefestival.com.
Aug. 7-18 – Restaurant Week Grand Rapids: More than 75 local restaurants offer fixed-price lunch and dinner menus ($15, $25 or $25+). experiencegr.com/restaurant-week.
Aug. 8 – Walker Standale Family Fun Night: Free family activities and movie. 5-9 p.m. Walker Community Park, 700 Cummings Ave. NW. walker.city.
Aug. 9-10 – Coopersville Car Show and Summerfest: Annual celebration with car cruise beginning at 6 p.m. Fri. and car show on Sat., plus pancake breakfast, entertainment, arts and craft show. coopersvillecarshow.com.
Aug. 9-10 – Holland Sidewalk Sales: More than 100 merchants offer shopping discounts. Also, street performers, food booths and more. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. Downtown Holland. holland.org.
Aug. 9-10 – Vintage Fest: Sixth annual event includes vintage vendors, classic cars, live music, carnival games, stage shows, outdoor movie and food booths. 4-9 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. Franklin Corridor, Grandville. grandjen.com.
Aug. 9-11 – Hispanic Festival: Hispanic Center of Western Michigan's 42nd annual festival includes entertainment, food and activities celebrating Latin American heritage. Begins 5 p.m. Fri. Calder Plaza, 300 Monroe Ave. NW. Free. hispanic-center.org/hispanic-festival.
Aug. 10 – Art on Center: Galleries along Center Street in downtown Douglas feature artist receptions and live music. 6-8 p.m. Free. saugatuck.com/events.
Aug. 10 – Eastern & Alger PopUp Market: Alger Heights hosts monthly market with local artisans and vintage dealers. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Eastern Ave. and Alger St. SE. facebook.com/easternalgerpopupmarket.
Aug. 10 – A Glimpse of Africa: Inaugural family-friendly, free festival celebrating African cultures through fashion, art, food, dance, music and more. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Rosa Parks Circle, 135 Monroe Center NW. bit.ly/GlimpseOfAfrica.
Aug. 10 – Grand Haven Sand Sculpture Contest: Teams, families and individuals are judged and awarded prizes after contest on beach. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Grand Haven City Beach. grandhavenchamber.org/sand-sculpture-contest.
Aug. 14-18 – Michigan Fiber Festival: Shows, competitions, workshops, shopping, live music and food. Allegan County Fairgrounds, 150 Allegan County Fair Drive. michiganfiber festival.info.
Aug. 15 – Saugatuck Sidewalk Sales: Merchant sales, music and activities. Butler Street in downtown Saugatuck. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. saugatuck.com.
Aug. 15 – Sweet Summer Night: Zeeland hosts free outdoor movie at dusk with popcorn and cotton candy. Elm & Main streets, downtown Zeeland. cityofzeeland.com/409/Sweet-Summer-Night.
Aug. 15 – Taste of East Grand Rapids: Food from local eateries, plus live entertainment and kids activities. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Gaslight Village in East Grand Rapids. $1. gogaslight.com.
Aug. 15-18 – Danish Festival: 55th annual celebration includes arts and crafts fair, parades, food booths, live music, car show. Greenville. danishfestival.org.
Aug. 16-17 – Grand Haven Sidewalk Sales: Area merchant sales and entertainment. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. Washington Avenue between Harbor Drive and Third Street. visitgrandhaven.com.
Aug. 16-18 – Yassou! Greekfest: Ninth annual cultural festival with live music, dancing, crafts and food. 3-10 p.m. Fri., 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Sat., noon-4 p.m. Sun. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 330 Lakeside Drive NE. grgreekfest.com.
Aug. 17 – Art on the Riverfront: Annual outdoor juried art show features painting, photography, pottery, jewelry, glass, wood and metal. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Grand Haven City Marina, 101 N. Harbor Drive. visitgrandhaven.com.
Aug. 17 – International Festival of Holland: Inaugural festival celebrating people and cultures of Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas with dancers, musicians, storytellers and artists. Kollen Park, 240 Kollen Park Drive; Holland Civic Center Place, 150 W. Eighth St.; and downtown Holland. cityofholland.com.
Aug. 17 – White Party: Fundraiser for West Shore Aware with open bar, hors d'oeuvres, dinner, auctions, entertainment and dancing. 6:30 p.m. Laketown Conference Center, 6069 Blue Star Hwy., Saugatuck. $100. westshoreaware.org.
Aug. 19-24 – Hudsonville Community Fair: Live music, midway, tractor pulls, monster truck show, 4-H shows, kids activities. 8 a.m.-11 p.m. 5235 Park Ave., Hudsonville. $5 adults, kids under 12 free. hudsonville-fair.com.
Aug. 21-24 – AQS Quilt Show: American Quilter's Society presents workshops, contests, materials and supplies from 300 vendors, plus hundreds of quilts on display. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. DeVos Place, 303 Monroe Ave. NW. $14, $5 ages 13-18, kids 12 and under free. quiltweek.com.
Aug. 22 – Cascade Township Metro Cruise Warm Up: Food trucks, live music by Soul Syndicate, kids activities, dunk tank and show cars. 4:30-8:30 p.m. Fowling Warehouse GR parking lot, 6797 Cascade Road SE. Free. cascadetwp.com.
Aug. 22 – Rock, Roar and Pour: John Ball Zoo hosts live music with the WhatNots, craft beer and animal encounters. 21+ only. 6-9 p.m. 1300 W. Fulton St. $20. jbzoo.org.
Aug. 23-24 – 28th Street Metro Cruise: Fifteenth annual cruise with 16 miles of cars on 28th Street between Cascade and Grandville. Plus food, entertainment and vendors at Roger's Plaza, 972 28th St. SW, Wyoming. 4-10 p.m. Fri., 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 28thstreetmetrocruise.com.
Aug. 23-25 – Polish Festival: Celebration of Polish food, music and beer, with polka entertainment, kids activities, vendors. 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Fri. and Sat., noon-5 p.m. Sun. Rosa Parks Circle, 135 Monroe Center NW. Free. polishheritagesociety.com.
Aug. 24 – Burning Foot Craft Beer Festival: Fifth annual celebration with dozens of participating brewpubs and craft breweries, plus music and food. 3-9 p.m. Pere Marquette Beach, Muskegon. $50 adults, $20 designated driver. burningfoot.beer.
Aug. 24 – Made in MI Pop-Up Marketplace: Downtown Market hosts monthly outdoor market with artisan gifts, local treats and goodies. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 435 Ionia Ave. SW. madeinmipopup.com.
Aug. 24-25 – Mini Maker Faire: Sixth annual science fair/invention festival with more than 150 makers including robotics, urban farming and sustainability, alternative energy, crafts, food and educational installations. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Grand Rapids Public Museum, 272 Pearl St. NW. $12 adults, $7 kids, $4/$2 for members; two-day pass $15/$10, $7/$4 for members. grandrapids.makerfaire.com.
Aug. 25 – Allegan Antiques Market: Monthly market features 400 exhibitors inside and outside, rain or shine. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Allegan County Fairgrounds, 150 Allegan County Fair Drive. $4. alleganantiques.com.
Aug. 29 – Sept. 2 – Michigan State Fair: Midway, equestrian pavilion, livestock, entertainment, farmers market, arts and crafts, circus, kids activities and more. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Thu.-Sun., 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon. Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave., Novi. $8 adults, $6 kids 2-11. michiganstatefairllc.com.
Aug. 30 – Sept. 1 – GrandCon: Family-friendly board gaming convention with vendors, cosplay, seminars and celebrities. 10 a.m.-1 a.m. Fri.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. DeVos Place, 303 Monroe Ave. NW. $50 weekend, $35 Fri. or Sat., $20 Sun. grand-con.com.

Aug. – West Michigan Whitecaps: Professional minor league baseball team is a member of the Midwest League and Class-A affiliate of the Detroit Tigers. Home games: Aug 7-9 vs. Bowling Green Hot Rods. Aug. 14-16 vs. Great Lakes Loons. Aug. 17-20 vs. Lake County Captains. Aug. 24-27 vs. Fort Wayne TinCaps. Fifth Third Ballpark, 4500 West River Drive NE, Comstock Park. $9-$17. whitecapsbaseball.com.
Aug. 3 – RunIT 5K: Hosted by White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce. 9 a.m. 124 W. Hanson, Whitehall. $25. whitelake.org/event/runit-5k-runwalk.
Aug. 3 – TriMillennium: Sprint and Olympic distance triathlon with duathlon and aquabike options. 7:30 a.m. Millennium Park, 1415 Maynard Ave. SW. $70-$160. miltri.com.
Aug. 9-10 – The Fred Running Relays: The Fred 200-mile relay from Belmont to Cadillac in 36 relay increments along the White Pine Trail, plus The Ed 100-mile relay and the Lena 50-mile relay. 6:30 a.m. 6325 Belmont Ave. NE. fredmeijerwhitepinetrail200.com.
Aug. 10 – Hey 5K Run/Walk: Tenth annual run through downtown Muskegon benefits Muskegon Community Radio 88.9 FM. 8 a.m. Union Depot, 610 W. Western Ave. $20-$30. runsignup.com/race/mi/muskegon/hey5krunwalk.
Aug. 11 – Go Rogue Rockford: 3.5-mile run and 3.5-mile kayak race. 9 a.m. Rockford Foot Depot, 235 N. Main St., Rockford. $65. goroguerockford.com.
Aug. 17 – Mitchell's Run Thru Rockford: Twenty-first annual 5K run/walk and kids run raises money for Duchenne muscular dystrophy research. 8:30 a.m. 19 N. Main St., Rockford. mitchellsrun.org.
Aug. 17 – Skirts in the Dirt: Sixth annual women-only mountain bike race and trail runs. 8:30 a.m. Wahlfield Park, 6811 Alpine Ave. NW, Comstock Park. skirtsinthedirt.com.
Aug. 18 – Gaslight Criterium: Twelfth annual circuit bicycle race in East Grand Rapid's Gaslight Village. Start and finish lines at Wealthy and Bagley, East Grand Rapids. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. eastgr.org.
Aug. 18 – Michigan Titanium: Full, half- and Olympic triathlons, relays, aquabikes and duathlons. 7 a.m. Versluis Park, 3650 Versluis Park NE, Plainfield. mititanium.com.
Aug. 24 – Grand Rapids Mud Run: 5K course with obstacles, slide and mud for individuals and teams. Kids Mini Mud Run for ages 6-11 (1.5K). 8:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. kids. 1200 60th St. SE, Kentwood. $49 adults, $25 kids. grandrapidsmudrun.com.
Aug. 24 – Margarita Madness 5K: Run/walk for adults 21 years old or over with celebration margaritas. 5 p.m. Riverside Park, 2001 Monroe Ave. NE. $25-$50. margaritamadness5krun.com/grand-rapids.
Aug. 25 – Millennium Meadows Marathon: Marathon, half-marathon and 6-mile races. 7 a.m. Millennium Park, 1400 Maynard Ave. SW. $40-$80. facebook.com/millennium meadowsmarathon.
Stage & Film
Through Aug. 3 – "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland": Grand Rapids Civic Theatre's youth production about a young girl's adventures when she follows a rabbit down his hole. 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. 30 N. Division Ave. $12-$20. grct.org.
Through Aug. 3 – "Going Going Gone": LowellArts Players present a story about four sports journalists in the press box at a major Los Angeles baseball game. 223 W. Main St., Lowell. lowellartsmi.org.
Through Aug. 4 – "All Shook Up": Grand Rapids Civic Theatre presents a musical comedy loosely based on Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" and "Midsummer Night's Dream" with songs by Elvis. 7:30 p.m. Fri., 2 p.m. Sat. 30 N. Division Ave. $12-$20. grct.org.
Through Aug. 6 – "Shakespeare in Love": Hope Summer Repertory Theatre presents the story of young Will Shakespeare suffering from writer's block and a young admirer who will stop at nothing to appear in his next play. 7:30 p.m. DeWitt Theatre, 141 E. 12th St., Holland. $26-$30 adults, $22-$27 seniors, $15 kids under 18. hope.edu/hsrt.
Through Aug. 7 – "Elephant & Piggie's 'We Are In a Play'": Hope Summer Repertory Theatre presents a musical based on the children's book by Mo Willems about two friends' adventures. 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. DeWitt Theatre, 141 E. 12th St., Holland. $15. hope.edu/hsrt.
Through Aug. 8 – "West Side Story": Hope Summer Repertory Theatre presents the classic love story set in the gang-ridden streets of New York City. 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. DeWitt Theatre, 141 E. 12th St., Holland. $35-$40 adults, $28-$32 seniors, $15 kids under 18. hope.edu/hsrt.
Through Aug. 9 – "The Old Man and the Old Moon": Hope Summer Repertory Theatre presents the tale of a man who must abandon his duties of lighting the moon to search for his missing wife. 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. DeWitt Theatre, 141 E. 12th St., Holland. $35-$40 adults, $28-$32 seniors, $15 kids under 18. hope.edu/hsrt.
Through Aug. 10 – "Unnecessary Farce": Mason Street Warehouse presents a story about an embezzling mayor, his female accountant and two undercover cops. 8 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 2 p.m. Aug. 4 and 10. 400 Culver St., Saugatuck. $41.50-$57.50. masonstreetwarehouse.org.
Aug. 4, 18 – "Romeo and Juliet": Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company presents a tragic romance. Aug. 4, Jenison Center for the Arts, 8375 20th Ave., Jenison. Aug. 18, Loutit Library Courtyard, 407 Columbus Ave., Grand Haven. pcshakespeare.com.
Aug. 8-18 – "The Mouse That Roared": Holland Civic Theatre's teen production. 7 p.m. Thu.-Fri., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sat. 50 W. Ninth St., Holland. hollandcivictheatre.org.
Aug. 8-24 – "Superior Donuts": Circle Theatre presents the story of an older man who owns a run-down doughnut shop and the black teenaged employee who wants to change the shop for the better. 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 5 p.m. Sun. Aquinas College PAC, 1703 Robinson Road SE. $26-$30. circletheatre.org.
Aug. 9, 23 – Movies on Monroe: Free outdoor films. Aug. 9, "Mean Girls" and "10 Things I Hate About You." Aug. 23, "Space Jam" and "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." 6-11:30 p.m. 555 Monroe Ave. NW. downtowngr.org.
Aug. 16 – Movies in the Park (East Grand Rapids): Free family-friendly movie, "Trolls," at dusk. John Collins Park, 650 Lakeside Drive SE. eastgr.org.
Aug. 16-Sept. 1 – "A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder": Mason Street Warehouse presents the story of an heir to a family fortune who wants to eliminate the relatives who stand in his way. 8 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 2 p.m. Sun. 400 Culver St., Saugatuck. $54 adults, $51 students. masonstreetwarehouse.org.
Aug. 20 – Grand Rapids Ballet: Dancers perform a variety of classical and contemporary ballets. 7 p.m. Meijer Gardens outdoor amphitheater, 1000 East Beltline Ave. NE. Free with admission. meijergardens.org.
Aug. 24 – Movies in Eastern Park: Free family-friendly movie at 9 p.m. with pre-movie games, dancing, entertainment at 7 p.m. 758 Eastern Ave. NE. bit.ly/MoviesInEasternPark.

Through Aug. 8 – Celadon Summer Concert Series: Free family-friendly concerts. Aug. 1, Deerfield Run. Aug. 8, Macy Krew Music. 6:30-9:30 p.m. Celadon Outdoor Amphitheater, 2050 Celadon Drive NE. facebook.com/celadonconcerts.
Through Aug. 8 – Kentwood Summer Concert Series: Free Thu. night concerts; also food trucks. Aug. 1, Brena. Aug. 8, Melophobix. 7-8:30 p.m. On the lawn behind Kentwood City Hall, 4900 Breton Road SE. kentwood.us.
Through Aug. 12 – Jazz at Millennium Park Meadows: West Michigan Jazz Society hosts free jazz concerts 6:30-8:30 p.m. every Mon. Aug. 5, Paul Keller. Aug. 12, Bob Nixon/GRJO. Grant Pavilion, Millennium Park, 1415 Maynard Ave., Walker. wmichjazz.org.
Through Aug. 13 – Jenison Music in the Park: Free concerts 6-8 p.m. Tues. Aug. 6, Echo 45. Aug. 13, Main Street Dueling Pianos. Rosewood Park, 1899 Rosewood St., Jenison. grandjen.com.
Through Aug. 13 – Rogue River Blues: Rockford's Tue. evening concerts showcase jazz, blues and folk. 7-9 p.m. Garden Club Park along Rogue River. Free. rockfordmichamber.com.
Through Aug. 14 – WLAV Summertime Blues: Free outdoor music concerts every Wed. Aug. 7, Davy Knowles. Aug. 14, Albert Castiglia. 6:30 p.m. DeltaPlex parking lot, 2500 Turner Ave. NW. wlav.com.
Through Aug. 16 – Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck: Music by area musicians every Thu. and Fri. night. Aug. 1-2, The Vega Quartet. Aug. 8-9, Encore! Aug. 15-16, The Akropolis Reed Quintet. 7:30 p.m. Saugatuck Women's Club, 303 Butler St. $20 adults, $5 students, $100 season. saugatuckmusic.org.
Through Aug. 16 – Holland Summer Concerts: Live music 6:30-8:30 p.m. every Fri. Kollen Park, 240 Kollen Park Drive. Free. downtownholland.com.
Through Aug. 18 – Cook Carillon Concert Series: Concerts every Sun. at 8 p.m. Aug. 4, Sue Bergren. Aug. 11, Lisa Lonie. Aug. 18, Julianne Vanden Wyngaard. GVSU Allendale Campus, 1 Campus Drive. gvsu.edu/music.
Through Aug. 21 – Saugatuck Music in the Park: Free family-friendly music in Saugatuck 7-9 p.m. every Wed. Wicks Park Gazebo, Water Street. saugatuck.com.
Through Aug. 22 – GRAM on the Green: Free outdoor music concerts with dancing, food trucks and cash bar 6-9 p.m. every Thu. Aug. 1, Blushing Monk. Aug. 8, Hannah Rose & the Gravestones with KJ and the Good Time Family Band. Aug. 15, Jake Kershaw. Aug. 22, Cameron Blake with Samuel Nalangiria. Grand Rapids Art Museum Terrace, 101 Monroe Center NW. artmuseumgr.org/calendar/gram-on-the-green.
Through Aug. 27 – Tuesday Evening Music Club: Local and regional musicians perform every Tues. at Meijer Gardens outdoor amphitheater. Aug. 6, The Hip Pocket and Soul Syndicate. Aug. 13, The River Rogues Jazz Band and Sam's Swing Band. Aug. 27, Ralston & Friends. 7 p.m. 1000 East Beltline Ave. NE. Free with admission. meijergardens.org.
Through Aug. 28 – Concerts in the Park (Holland): Free lunchtime concerts every Wed. Aug. 7, Coty Bouchard. Aug. 14, Greg Nagy. Aug. 21, Molly. Aug. 28, Bri Baron Band. Noon-1 p.m. GDK Park, 8th St. between Central and River Avenues. downtownholland.com.
Through Aug. 29 – Lowell Showboat Sizzlin' Summer Concerts: Free concerts 7 p.m. every Thu. Aug. 1, Roosevelt Diggs. Aug. 15, Desmond Jones. Aug. 22, B-Side Growlers. Aug. 29, Natchez Trace and The Adams Family. Riverwalk Plaza along Flat River, downtown Lowell. lowellartsmi.org.
Through Aug. 29 – Music at the Point: Spring Lake Heritage Festival hosts free concerts every Thu. 7-8:30 p.m. Mill Point Park, 612 W. Savidge St., Spring Lake. slheritagefestival.com.
Through Sept. 18 – Meijer Gardens Summer Concerts: National acts perform in outdoor amphitheater. Aug. 1, The Beach Boys. Aug. 7, CAKE. Aug. 8, Sarah McLachlan. Aug. 9, Styx. Aug. 11, Foreigner. Aug. 14, JJ Grey & Mofro and Johnny Lang. Aug. 15, Stray Cats. Aug. 23, Michael Franti and Spearhead. 1000 East Beltline Ave. NE. meijergardens.org.
Aug. 1 – Between the Silos: Wildwood Family Farms summer concert series presents Kari Lynch Band. 7:30 p.m. 7970 Snow Ave. SE, Alto. $18-$24. wildwoodfamilyfarms.com/2019-concert-artists.
Aug. 1 – The Family Tree of the String Quartet: Saugatuck Center for the Arts presents intimate morning concert with The Vega Quartet. 10-11:30 a.m. 400 Culver St., Saugatuck. Free. sc4a.org.
Aug. 2 – Picnic Pops: Grand Rapids Symphony presents family-friendly concert: Nashville: The Songwriters, Their Stories, The Symphony. 7:30 p.m. Cannonsburg Ski Area, 6800 Cannonsburg Road NE, Belmont. $5-$20. grsymphony.org.
Aug. 5, 19 – Summer in the Studio: Saugatuck Center for the Arts concerts. Aug. 5, Chris Blisset. Aug. 19, Jaime Marvin. 8 p.m. 400 Culver St., Saugatuck. $15. sc4a.org.
Aug. 7-10 – Unity Christian Music Festival: Multiple stages, youth events and kids activities. Main stage artists include Skillet, Switchfoot, Holly Starr and Jason Fowler. Heritage Landing, Muskegon. Wed. free; $45 one day, $65 two days, $90 three days. unitymusicfestival.com.
Aug. 8 – Walker Standale Summer Concert Series: Free family-friendly entertainment with Sounds Familiar. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Walker Community Park, 700 Cummings Ave. NW. walker.city.
Aug. 8-10 – Cowpie Music Festival: Eclectic live regional bands, food, beverages and crafts. Camping available. Shagbark Farm, 7500 Alaska Ave. SE, Caledonia. cowpiemusicfestival.com.
Aug. 9 – Willie Nelson and Alison Krauss: Country singers. 7:30 p.m. Van Andel Arena, 130 W. Fulton St. $27-$213. vanandelarena.com.
Aug. 12, 19 – Circle Theatre Summer Concert Series: Aug. 12, Edge of the Millennium: Top Hits of 1999. Aug. 19, Imagine All the People: Songs That Inspire. 7 p.m. Aquinas College PAC, 1703 Robinson Road SE. $18. circletheatre.org.
Aug. 13 – Twins of Evil: Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson: Singers perform Hell Never Dies tour. 7 p.m. Van Andel Arena, 130 W. Fulton St. $36-$97. vanandelarena.com.
Aug. 16 – Beers at the Bridge: Fifth annual free summer concert series. 6-9 p.m. Ada Covered Bridge/Leonard Field, 7490 Thornapple River Drive SE. adamichigan.org.
Aug. 16 – Chris Stapleton: Country singer performs All-American Road Show tour. 7 p.m. Van Andel Arena, 130 W. Fulton St. $80 and up. vanandelarena.com.
Aug. 17 – Elton Rohn: Tribute band for Elton John. 8 p.m. Park Theatre, 248 S. River Ave., Holland. $18-$30. parktheatreholland.org.
Aug. 17 – Moose Fest: Radio station 107.9 FM presents annual country music party on the lakeshore. Heritage Landing, Muskegon. Free; tickets available at local businesses. 107mus.iheart.com.
Aug. 17-18 – GRandJazzFest: Eighth annual free jazz festival featuring local and national musicians. 12:30-10 p.m. Sat., 1-7 p.m. Sun. Rosa Parks Circle, 135 Monroe Center NW. grandjazzfest.org.
Aug. 22, 24-25 – Shoreline Jazz Festival: Sixth annual Muskegon festival features Alexander Zonjic and guests. Concert 7:30 p.m. Thu. at The Block, 360 W. Western Ave. Festival with jazz performers: 1-9 p.m. Sat., noon-8 p.m. Sun. at Heritage Landing ($40 Sat. or Sun., $70 both days). shorelinejazzfestival.com.
Aug. 23 – Alabama: Country rock band performs 50th anniversary tour. 7 p.m. Van Andel Arena, 130 W. Fulton St. $32-$127. vanandelarena.com.
Aug. 23-24 – Breakaway Music Festival: With headliners Big Gigantic, Louis the Child, Kaskade and Wiz Khalifa. 4-11 p.m. Fri., 3-11 p.m. Sat. Belknap Park, 30 Coldbrook St. NE. $40 daily, $75 two-day. breakawaymichigan.com.
Aug. 26 – Why Don't We: Pop group performs "8 Letters" tour. 7 p.m. DeVos Performance Hall, 303 Monroe Ave. NW. $39-$99. devosperformancehall.com.
Aug. 27 – JoJo Siwa: Nickolodeon and YouTube singer performs D.R.E.A.M. tour. 7 p.m. Van Andel Arena, 130 W. Fulton St. $37-$258. vanandelarena.com.
Lectures & Workshops
Aug. – FLPC Art Workshops: Aug. 1-3, "Painting Costumes and Clothed Figures" by Katriel Srebnik. Aug. 12-16, "Light and Shadow: Painting the Emotional Landscape" by David Sharpe. Aug. 15-17, "Keep It Simple and Strong" by Keiko Tanabe. Aug. 16-17, "Intuition and Design to Create What's Next" by Stanka Kordic. Aug. 19, "Acrylic Explorations" by Kathleen Mooney. Aug. 30-31, "Watercolor Sketchbook Workshop" by William Mancuso. Franciscan Life Process Center, 11650 Downes St. NE, Lowell. lifeprocesscenter.org.
Aug. – Grand Rapids Public Libraries: Adults: book clubs, computer/technology instruction. Kids: Summer Reading Challenge, Lego Block Party, story times. grpl.org.
Aug. – Kent District Libraries: Adults: SuperPartyWonderDay, KDaLe Book Club, Apple Users Group, book sales, book discussions, computer/technology instruction. Kids: Summer Reading Challenge, Outdoor Discovery: Animal Communication, Teen Zone: Escape Room, Paint a Mug, Pint Size Polkas, Ruff Readers, Pokémon Club, story times. kdl.org.
Aug. – Summer Swing Dancing: 7-9:30 p.m. every Tue. in downtown Grand Rapids. First 30 minutes is instruction. Aug. 6 and 20, Rosa Parks Circle, 135 Monroe Center NW. Aug. 13 and 27, Ah-Nab-Awen Park, 220 Front Ave. NW. grandrapidsoriginalswingsociety.com.
Through Aug. 1 – Balletmore Summer Dance Season: Diverse class options include ballet, lyrical and pointe technique for all ages of kids to adults and include beginner and seasoned dancers. 4:30-8:30 p.m. Tue. and Thu. 2335 Burton St. SE. $375. balletmore.com.
Aug. 8-9 – Global Leadership Summit: Cornerstone University hosts workshops and networking. 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Christ Chapel, 1001 East Beltline Ave NE. $189. cornerstone.edu/why-cornerstone-university/events/global-leadership-summit.
Aug. 9 – Creativity Uncorked: Grand Rapids Art Museum hosts social evening and art workshop "Mixed Media Symbolism." Ages 21+. Registration required. 6:45-9 p.m. 101 Monroe Center NW. $40. artmuseumgr.org/learn/creativityuncorked.
Aug. 23 – Contra Dance: Grand River Folk Arts Society hosts instruction and dancing. 7 p.m. 701 Fifth St. NW. $10 adults, $8 members, $5 students and seniors. sites.google.com/site/grfolkarts.
To list your event send calendar information to Grand Rapids Magazine, c/o Calendar Editor, 401 Hall St. SW, Suite 331, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, email caleditor@geminipub.com, fax (616) 459-4800. High-resolution photos welcomed. To meet publishing deadlines, information must be received two months prior to monthly magazine issue by the first of the month.
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