Hiring A Private Pay Home Health Aide Doesn't Have To Cost You A Fortune - EIN News

Private Pay Home Health Aide Recruitment Services
Did you know that you can get affordable assistance to help recruit the ideal Home Health Aide and that can also save you thousands of dollars?
NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, January 28, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Families and individuals in need of Private Pay Home Care Services may want to consider all options available before signing a contract to have services managed by a private home care service agency. Here's why.Depending on where you live, private pay home care services can be very expensive, in comparison to hiring a caregiver and managing services on your own. Most individuals, especially elderly individuals that live alone, cannot simply pick up their phone and call a caregiver or manage care on their own. Finding a suitable, reliable, compassionate, and experienced caregiver is a time consuming and rigorous task. And if you do not have any experience recruiting personnel or know how to find a caregiver, you might be without an aide for many months.
There are some perks for signing up with a private pay home care agency, which include having a service coordinator responsible for assigning a caregiver to provide care the days and hours you need care and handling payroll so that you never have to worry about paying your caregiver in cash or checks if you prefer not to. But is the cost of having private pay home care services truly worth it? That depends on who you ask.
Needing care or assistance around your home is never easy for anyone. It requires feeling independent, having a stranger in your home all of the day, and getting use to having someone else do mostly everything for you. Well, that does sound pretty nice, but for people paying home care agencies for these services, it's also very expensive.
So what are some other options available when someone needs in-home care services?
Well, many people that actually qualify for Medicaid funded home care services, often opt out of the service after experiencing poor quality provided by an aide or the agency they registered with not having quality aides or aides available to work where the client resides. The latter is very common for many home care agencies. However, for individuals that quality for Medicaid funded home care services and prefer not to have a stranger in their home, they have the option to enroll for a program referred to CDPAP, or Consumer Direct Personal Assistant Program.
CDPAP allows any friend or relative the client chooses to provide care for them and Medicaid pays for the care. To enroll for CDPAP services, the individual in need of in-home care services must register with a state approved home care agency offering CDPAP services. There are many agencies available offering CDPAP services, but one of the more commonly known agencies is Freedom Care.
For individuals that do not qualify for home care services paid by their insurance, utilizing a Private Pay Home Care Recruitment service is a great option. Home Care Recruiters have access to highly experienced and compassionate home health aides and have the experience to find the right caregiver for any client, regardless of requirements.
One of the most notable advantages of utilizing a recruiter to help you find the best caregiver for you or your loved one, is the extremely affordable service rates in comparison to having private pay services completely managed by an agency.
Here is a simple break down to fees associated to utilizing a recruiter versus registering with a private pay home care agency. The difference in expenses is shocking!
To best explain how much money an individual or a family would spend if registering with a private pay home care agency, versus how much they can save if utilizing a home care recruiter, we will compare rates and fees based on an individual that needs home care services, 8 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Home Care Recruitment Services like AIDECAST charge a flat rate of $500 to help recruit, interview, and assign a Certified Home Health Aide for their clients. AIDECAST believes that hiring the right caregiver for any client reduces the need for any agency to have to manage services, and improves the quality of care for clients. The recruitment process includes screening all candidates or possible matches to identify the best caregiver that has the skills and experience to care for a client, resides in the same county or within a reasonable distance to the client, and is able to work for the hourly rate the client can afford or is willing to pay for care. This approach saves clients thousands of dollars per week.
Here's how: Let's say a Private Pay Home Care agency in New York City charges $32 an hour for their services. A client in need of 8 hours of care, 7 days a week will pay the agency $1792 a week or $93, 184 a year. Wow! Think about that.
Now if the same individual were to utilize a Home Care Recruiter like AIDECAST, the client would simply have to pay the $500 recruitment fee, plus the hourly rate they want to pay the caregiver. Let's say the client is generous and decided to pay the caregiver $25 an hour. The client would be paying a total of $1400 a week or $72,800. That's a savings of over $20,000!
Think about what $20,000 can mean to you or your loved one. That's extra cash available for other necessities like mortgages, food, medical expenses, etc.
This article is shared to help anyone struggling with paying for private pay home care services. You have options. You can receive quality home care services without having to pay a fortune.
AIDECAST is ready to help.
Steve Ortiz
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