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Balancing Blood Sugar Scale: Expert Explains Hypoglycemia And Hyperglycemia Beyond Diabetes

If you think high and low blood sugar only affects people with diabetes, you're wrong. Hypoglycemia is a condition in which you have low blood sugar, while hyperglycemia, in which you have high blood sugar can affect people who do not have diabetes as well. These changes in blood sugar levels can affect your health in many ways and may cause serious complications. To understand more about this, we spoke to our expert Dr Basavaprabhu, Consultant Internal Medicine, KMC Hospital, Mangalore, who explained the symptoms, causes, and treatment measures for this condition.

Hypoglycemia: The Sugar Drought

To explain hypoglycemia in simple terms Dr Basavaprabhu asked us to imagine our body as a finely tuned car. He said, "Just like a car requires fuel to move, your body's fuel is glucose, a kind of sugar. Hypoglycemia happens when there's not enough sugar in your blood, similar to your car running out of gas during a long journey. If someone with diabetes keeps experiencing low sugar episodes even though they're taking their prescribed pills or insulin regularly, it could be a sign of kidney problems. In very rare cases, lack of steroid hormone synthesis called Addison's disease, insulin-secreting tumours can also cause these recurrent hypoglycemic episodes."

Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

Dr Basavaprabhu listed the symptoms of hypoglycemia as follows:

  • Shakiness
  • Sweating
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Causes of Hypoglycemia
  • Skipping meals
  • Overexerting yourself without eating
  • Certain medications (like insulin)
  • Medical conditions like diabetes
  • Dr Basavaprabhu added When you experience hypoglycemia, it's crucial to act fast. Grab a snack with some carbohydrates, like a banana or juice, to refuel your body.

    Hyperglycemia: The Sugar Storm

    Now, let's talk about the opposite scenario. Hyperglycemia happens when there's too much sugar in your bloodstream. It's like a storm brewing in your body. According to StatPearls, over the past two decades, there has been a substantial rise in hyperglycemia, which is attributed to higher rates of obesity, reduced physical activity, and an ageing population. 

    Symptoms of Hyperglycemia

    In hyperglycemia, your body is struggling to handle the excess sugar. Its symptoms include:

  • Extreme thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Blurry vision
  • Dry mouth
  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Causes of Hyperglycemia

  • Overeating sugary foods
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Not taking prescribed diabetes medications
  • Stress
  • Dr Basavaprabhu said, "In the case of hyperglycemia, you need to bring your sugar levels down. To do so, drink water, avoid sugary foods, and follow your doctor's advice."

    Treatment: Finding the Balance

    Dr Basavaprabhu noted, "Balancing your blood sugar is like maintaining your car's engine. You need the right amount of fuel to keep it running smoothly." Here are some tips that you should follow to manage your blood sugar levels:

  • Diet: Eat balanced meals with carbohydrates, proteins, and fibre to keep sugar levels stable.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity helps your body use sugar for energy.
  • Medications: Take prescribed medications as directed, especially if you have diabetes.
  • Monitoring: Keep an eye on your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes.
  • Hydration: To help flush away extra sugar, drink plenty of water.
  • Stress Management: Stress can affect your sugar levels, so find healthy ways to manage it.
  • Bottomline

    Dr Basavaprabhu concluded, "In this battle of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, your body depends on you to maintain the delicate balance of sugar in your bloodstream. If you experience persistent symptoms or have concerns about your blood sugar, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide personalised guidance to keep your body's engine running smoothly."

    [Disclaimer: This article contains information shared by a registered healthcare professional and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult with your expert if you notice the symptoms to avoid complications.]

    How To Lower Blood Sugar

    Medically reviewed by Kelly Wood, MD

    Having high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, is a potentially dangerous situation—especially if your blood sugar levels are elevated for extended periods of time and are left untreated. Blood sugar, or blood glucose, that isn't well-managed can lead to complications like vision loss and heart disease and can even negatively affect your energy and mood.

    Thankfully, there are many things you can do to lower your blood sugar: from getting physically active to drinking more water to taking medication. Some methods can lower glucose levels faster than others—at least temporarily—but all help toward the ultimate goal of well-managed blood sugar in the long term.

    How to Lower Blood Sugar Over Time

    You can gradually lower your blood sugar by making lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes can be made to your diet, sleep, or activity. Some people with type 2 diabetes can lower their blood sugar with lifestyle changes alone; other people may also need to take diabetes medication.

    Be Mindful of Your Carbohydrate Intake

    Carbohydrates in food and drinks break down into glucose (sugar) when they enter your body, increasing your glucose levels. For people without diabetes, the body can ensure levels don't get too high. But the body is not able to do that for people with type 2 diabetes, and so blood sugar levels can get higher than what they should be.

    Lowering your blood sugar doesn't mean cutting out carbohydrates completely. Instead, you might need to reduce the amount of carbs you intake or more evenly spread out your consumption of them throughout the day. You and a healthcare provider can discuss how many carbs you should eat daily based on factors like body composition and activity level.

    You'll also want to choose the most healthful carbs, like whole grains over processed grains.

    Add Fiber to Your Diet

    Because fiber slows digesting and reduces how quickly sugar is absorbed, the nutrient can play a crucial role in lowering your blood sugar. By incorporating fiber into your diet on a consistent basis, research shows you can lower blood sugar. Choose high-fiber foods like beans, brown rice, avocado, Brussels sprouts, and chia seeds, as well as dark, leafy greens.

    Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

    Spacing out your meals and snacks throughout the day can help keep your blood sugar levels balanced—avoiding fluctuations between high blood sugar and low blood sugar. Several studies have found that eating smaller, more frequent meals may lower your blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone that helps your body use and store blood sugar. Improving insulin sensitivity means the hormone is better able to take and use glucose from the blood.

    Snack on Pistachios

    When you want a snack between meals, consider grabbing some pistachios. One small study of 48 people with type 2 diabetes found that eating 25 grams of pistachios twice a day for 12 weeks lowered blood glucose. Other research has linked pistachios with lower blood glucose, but those studies were led in part by groups that support pistachio growers.

    Drink Plenty of Water

    Staying well hydrated is important for overall health and plays a key role in a number of vital bodily functions, including body temperature regulation and joint lubrication. It may also help reduce your blood sugar.

    In a small study of 31 people, researchers found participants had lower fasting glucose levels after drinking one liter of water daily.

    Within 24 hours, the participants' blood also had lower levels of copeptin, an amino acid. Having a higher level of copeptin is linked to low water intake and high diabetes risk, so the researchers speculate that drinking more water could reduce your risk of diabetes.

    Prioritize Sleep

    Getting adequate sleep is an essential part of overall health and well-being. In fact, not getting enough sleep can impact your blood sugar levels. Poor sleep due to factors like breathing issues at night and the length and continuation of sleep has been linked to higher blood sugar levels. Addressing any breathing issues like sleep apnea and improving sleep habits can help in regulating blood sugar.

    Engage in Mindfulness, Meditation, or Yoga

    Stress is one thing that can cause high blood sugar. That means managing stress can be an important part of lowering your blood sugar levels.

    A 2020 study found that mindfulness training reduced participants' blood sugar levels and increased their happiness scores. Mindfulness means making sure to focus on the present without analyzing or judging anything.

    Meditation and yoga are other methods that may help lower blood sugar, according to data from 28 randomized controlled trials. The research also found the two practices are effective at lowering A1C levels—the average amount of sugar in your blood over the past three months. Yoga reduced A1C levels by as much as 1%, and meditation lowered A1C levels by 0.5%.

    Consume Probiotics

    Scientists have found that probiotic-rich food, as well as probiotic supplements, can help lower blood sugar levels. A 2022 meta-analysis looked at 33 trials and found that a median probiotic dose of about 109 colony-forming units a day significantly reduced blood sugar levels among people with type 2 diabetes. Yogurt is one type of probiotic-rich food that was shown to have the glucose-lowering effect.

    Consider Taking Supplements

    Some research suggests that certain supplements may help lower blood sugar. For instance, researchers found American ginseng may reduce A1C and fasting glucose. Magnesium supplementation has also been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Other supplements that may impact blood sugar include alpha-lipoic acid, bitter melon, berberine, chromium, and cassia cinnamon.

    That said, remember that supplements are not regulated the same way as medications. For this reason, you should discuss any supplements you are considering taking with a healthcare provider to determine if the product is right for you.

    Take Diabetes Medication

    If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, a healthcare provider may prescribe you medication that, along with lifestyle changes, can help lower your blood sugar.

    One of the most commonly prescribed medications for type 2 diabetes is metformin, sold under brand names like Fortamet and Riomet. The tablet or liquid reduces how much glucose your body takes in from food, as well as how much glucose your liver produces. Metformin also makes it so that your body responds better to insulin so that the insulin can keep your blood sugar in check.

    Apple Cider Vinegar: Is It Effective?

    A study of 110 people showed that adding 15 milliliters of apple cider vinegar to 200 milliliters of water during dinner for three months significantly lowered blood sugar levels among people with type 2 diabetes. While other studies have reached similar findings, some researchers recommend further testing to ensure the benefit. In fact, the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database lists apple cider vinegar as possibly ineffective for lowering blood sugar in type 2 diabetes.

    There's also this to consider: consuming apple cider vinegar in large amounts in the long term may cause health complications, such as low potassium levels. Using apple cider vinegar in the short term, as well as consuming it in the amount that is in food, is probably safe.

    How to Lower Blood Sugar Immediately

    Lifestyle changes and medication are a great way to lower your blood sugar levels and manage them in the long term. There are some foods and activities that can have an extremely fast effect on blood sugar levels. And based on what your needs are, your healthcare provider might prescribe you a type of medication that can lower your blood sugar virtually immediately—at least for the short term.

    Eat Raspberries With Your Meal

    One way to potentially lower your blood sugar is to incorporate raspberries into your meal. Researchers have found that people with pre-diabetes and insulin resistance who ate 250 grams (about 2 cups) of raspberries had lower blood sugar levels 30 minutes after their meal. The blood sugar was still lower one hour after the meal.

    The raspberries were consumed at breakfast because after an overnight fast, blood sugar levels tend to show greater fluctuation. The participants consuming the high levels of raspberries had half of them in a drink and half of them in cereal.

    Get Active

    Blood sugar levels usually decrease while you're exercising. That's because exercise makes you more sensitive to insulin. Plus, using your muscles can burn glucose.

    A moderate-paced walk, cycling, or strength training can lower your blood sugar level up to 24 hours after your activity.

    However, some activity, like heavy weightlifting or sprints, can actually increase levels. To learn how your body responds to exercise, check your blood sugar before and after physical activity. Recognizing these patterns can help you keep your blood sugar from going too high or low.

    Take Insulin

    People with either type 1 or 2 diabetes may take insulin. Insulin is a prescription medication that transports glucose from your blood into your cells. Once the glucose is in your cells, you can use it for fuel if you need it or your cells can store it for use later. There are different types depending on the time it takes to kick in, be at its most effective, and wear off.

    Rapid-acting insulin starts to lower blood sugar about 15 minutes after you inject it—within 10 minutes if the insulin is the kind you inhale. While injected rapid-acting insulin peaks in about an hour after you use it and lasts anywhere from two to seven hours depending on if it is rapid or ultra rapid, inhaled rapid-acting insulin peaks 30 minutes after you use it and lasts about three hours.

    If you have been prescribed insulin, it is important to follow your healthcare provider's instructions. Injecting rapid-acting insulin incorrectly could lead your blood sugar to drop to dangerously low levels. You could even experience an insulin overdose.

    When to Contact a Healthcare Provider

    If you are concerned about your blood sugar levels and have not been diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes, you should talk to a healthcare provider—especially if you have symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination, increased thirst, blurry vision, and extreme fatigue. Untreated high blood sugar can cause a number of health issues, including nerve damage and heart issues.

    A healthcare provider can order blood tests to check your current glucose levels as well as your average glucose levels over the last three months. From there, they can can determine whether you have a condition like type 2 diabetes and advise you on how to lower your blood sugar if it is high.

    If you already check your blood sugar levels on a consistent basis with a home monitoring kit and notice that your blood sugar level is high, you should follow the treatment plan your healthcare provider laid out for you. Sometimes this will include checking the ketones (acids) in your urine, especially if your blood sugar level is higher than 240 milligrams a deciliter and is not coming down.

    When ketones are high and not treated, you are at risk of ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition that needs immediate treatment. If you have ketones in your urine, call a healthcare provider about what to do. Get immediate medical attention if you experience:

  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or heavy breathing

  • Fruity-smelling breath

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Extremely dry mouth

  • Drowsiness or sleepiness

  • Confusion

  • Flushed skin

  • Loss of consciousness

  • A Quick Review

    Having high blood sugar can put your health at risk. Thankfully, if it's determined that you need to, there are ways you can lower your blood sugar. This can include lifestyle changes, medications, or a mixture of both. You might find that drinking more water, eating more fiber, practicing yoga, or getting more sleep can help lower your levels. If lifestyle changes alone won't lower your blood sugar enough, you might be prescribed medication like metformin or insulin. Some approaches, like rapid-acting insulin or exercise, lower blood sugar levels immediately in the short term, but they are still helpful tools in the long-term management of blood sugar levels.

    For more Health.Com news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!

    Read the original article on Health.Com.

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    5 Best Blood Sugar Supplements To Lower Glucose Levels Naturally

    If you are looking to lower your blood glucose levels naturally, manage mild type 2 diabetes, or simply lose weight, you may benefit from a natural blood sugar supplement. However, finding the best supplements to lower blood sugar isn't easy, with so many options to choose from.

    We've reviewed the best blood sugar control supplements to see which products are the most effective and offer the best value. Each of the blood sugar health pills below were evaluated on a variety of factors including ingredients, benefits, price, refund policy, and reviews.

    Best Blood Sugar Supplements #1. GlucoBerry: Best Blood Sugar Supplement Overall

    News Roundups

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    GlucoBerry is a doctor-formulated supplement that has earned a reputation as one of the best blood sugar supplements on the market. It uses a carefully formulated blend of natural ingredients that support healthy blood sugar and produce other health benefits to keep you feeling good.

    The main benefit you can expect to see from GlucoBerry is balanced blood sugar. This formula approaches blood sugar in a unique way; instead of only focusing on insulin levels, it also supports the "blood sugar drain" in the kidneys, which flushes excess sugar from insulin into your urine.

    This supplement contains a clinically supported blend of natural ingredients, including:

  • Premium maqui berry extract
  • Chromium
  • Biotin
  • Gymnema leaf
  • Premium maqui berry extract is a proprietary formula consisting of maqui berry and four supporting nutrients. This supplement is the first in the world to use this unique combination of ingredients, which pose significant benefits for your blood sugar. Maqui berry is a natural berry that grows in Chile and Argentina. It has two main effects on blood sugar: lowering blood sugar spikes and improving long-term blood sugar markers.

    The supplement also includes a blend of chromium and biotin because biotin helps boost the effects of chromium. Chromium is an essential mineral that promotes healthy blood sugar levels by aiding your insulin secretion. This combination of ingredients may also help you flush excess sugar out of the bloodstream.

    Finally, gymnema leaf is an extract that may help balance your hemoglobin A1C levels. The formula uses the same dosage of gymnema leaf as the dosage researchers used in a recent clinical study and found to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels.

    GlucoBerry undergoes a rigorous testing process to ensure the purity of its formula and protect against toxins and contaminants. This process allows you to feel confident that you're purchasing a high-quality supplement.

    The GlucoBerry creators make this supplement affordable to prevent any barriers to lower blood sugar. You can also take advantage of a 180-day "empty bottle" satisfaction guarantee that lets you try this product risk-free. You can take the supplement for 180 days and return all six empty bottles for a full refund if you aren't satisfied with your results. The longer you take this supplement, the more significant effects you should see, so consider purchasing a six-month supply and saving $20 in a bulk-buy discount.

    Click Here to Learn More About GlucoBerry

    #2. GlucoTrust: Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels and Insulin Sensitivity

    GlucoTrust is one of the best blood sugar supplements that takes a multi-angle approach to healthy blood sugar levels. While this supplement targets your glucose levels directly, it also promotes other benefits that may indirectly impact your blood sugar, like:

  • Regulating blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity
  • Helping you enjoy a deeper and more restful sleep
  • Reducing hunger cravings, allowing you to lose weight more easily
  • Promoting healthy blood flow and circulation
  • This supplement contains natural ingredients, including plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. The ingredient list consists of the following:

  • Gymnema sylvestre
  • Chromium
  • Biotin
  • Licorice root
  • Manganese
  • Cinnamon
  • Zinc
  • Juniper berries
  • Aside from these ingredients, the formula also includes sleep-enhancing extracts and a blend of 15 herbals that help regulate your natural hormonal balance. Gymnema sylvestre is one of the most powerful ingredients in the GlucoTrust formula. It has a several-hundred-year history as a medicinal herb that can help manage a range of ailments. In GlucoTrust formula, gymnema sylvestre can help restore appropriate blood sugar levels and curb hunger cravings, helping you stick to a healthy diet.

    You may recognize biotin as a supplement that promotes healthy hair, skin, and nails, but it also affects your glucose metabolism. This ingredient can help your body convert food into energy and metabolize fats, proteins, and carbs faster.

    Chromium is a common ingredient in blood sugar supplements that aids glucose metabolism. You'll also find cinnamon in GlucoTrust, as it promotes health benefits like stabilizing blood pressure, aiding digestion, and boosting your immunity. The addition of manganese in the formula can help stimulate insulin production to turn your blood sugar into energy. Meanwhile, licorice root is a common appetite control aid that can also help prevent obesity.

    GlucoTrust's sleep-enhancing ingredients can help you enjoy a more restful sleep, which could improve your blood sugar. A lack of sleep leads to high cortisol levels, which can turn the food you eat into visceral fat.

    GlucoTrust comes with a 180-day money-back guarantee that can give you a full refund on your purchase price, no questions asked. You'll also enjoy free shipping on every order, and GlucoTrust offers bulk-buy discounts to reduce your costs per serving.

    You can also qualify for a few bonus gifts when you purchase GlucoTrust in bulk. Ordering a 90-day or 180-day supply will get you three digital bonuses, including an ebook of green smoothie recipes, an ultimate guide to superfoods, and a three-day liver cleanse ebook.

    Click Here to Learn More About GlucoTrust

    #3. BerbaPrime: Supports Healthy Metabolism and Glucose Levels

    BerbaPrime is another one of the best blood sugar supplements we found in our research, but this one goes beyond simply managing blood sugar. It supports the following bodily processes:

  • Healthy metabolism
  • Healthy cholesterol levels
  • Healthy blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity
  • Unlike most of the dietary supplements on our list, this product has just one active ingredient: high-strength berberine HCL. Berberine is a chemical found in several plants, like the Oregon grape and tree turmeric. It's a popular supplement for people with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes mellitus.

    Berberine can help you control your blood sugar levels by activating AMPK, an enzyme in the body that increases the movement of glucose from the blood into the cells. Some studies, which you can learn about on BerbaPrime's website, have even found that berberine can lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes almost as effectively as certain diabetes medications.

    This supplement can also lower cholesterol and triglycerides by reducing your levels of the enzyme PCSK9. Your body can move more low-density lipoproteins to the liver, lowering cholesterol. Berberine may also reduce levels of another enzyme, apolipoprotein B, which can boost your heart health.

    While the enzyme AMPK helps with blood glucose control, it may also help regulate your metabolism of carbs and fats. By activating AMPK, berberine may help your body break down food into energy more effectively.

    You could gain some of these benefits from any berberine supplement, but BerbaPrime ramps up the effects of berberine by including a high-strength dosage of the compound. Each serving of BerbaPrime contains 1500 mg of berberine HCL 97%. The supplements undergo lab testing to ensure that the purity and quality match the label.

    BerbaPrime supplements are produced in the U.S. In a GMP-certified, ISO9001-certified facility. You can get free shipping on every purchase and feel confident using the company's safe and secure checkout.

    The supplement also comes with a 100-day money-back guarantee that you can qualify for as long as you use the supplement for at least 50 days. That will give you plenty of time to test this supplement and determine whether it's right for your health needs.

    Click Here to Learn More About BerbaPrime

    #4. Sugar Balance: Natural Formula to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

    Sugar Balance is one of the best blood sugar supplements for people looking to support a healthy pancreas while maintaining a healthy glucose metabolism. This supplement can provide the following benefits:

  • Reduce sugar cravings
  • Support a healthy pancreas
  • Support healthy glucose levels
  • Help you maintain healthy liver function
  • Enhance your weight loss efforts
  • Promote better insulin sensitivity
  • Sugar Balance contains a blend of natural ingredients and plant extracts that promote blood sugar control and other health benefits. Its main ingredients include:

  • Balloon flower root
  • Schizandra fruit
  • Astragalus root
  • Lycium root
  • Shepherds purse
  • Wild yam
  • Licorice root
  • These ingredients may have unfamiliar names, but they can work wonders to stabilize your blood sugar. For example, astragalus root is a natural plant extract that supports healthy insulin production and blood sugar levels. Balloon flower root is another herbal extract that can help you manage blood glucose levels and promote a healthy liver.

    Schizandra fruit, also known as five-flavor berry, is a plant native to China that may reduce your body's absorption of fructose and glucose in the small intestine, which can lower blood sugar levels. Chinese medicine uses shizandra fruit to benefit qi, the life force in all living things.

    Wild yam root can help you stabilize your hormones and blood sugar levels, while licorice root also promotes a healthy liver and glucose metabolism. Aside from the ingredients above, Sugar Balance also includes a few other natural ingredients that help support healthy pancreatic cells.

    This supplement begins working right away once you take it, improving your energy levels and giving you a boost with your weight loss efforts. If you're not yet convinced, you can try the supplement risk-free for 180 days. The company will give you a full refund within this window, no questions asked.

    You can even get one free bottle of Sugar Balance when you purchase two bottles. This discount can make taking Sugar Balance long-term easier on your wallet. The creators of this supplement produce Sugar Balance without any GMOs and with only 100% natural ingredients. They also use a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility in the U.S.

    Click Here to Learn More About Sugar Balance

    #5. GlucoFlush: Herbal Blood Sugar Formula for Weight Management and Pancreas Support

    GlucoFlush is one of the best blood sugar supplements for people who prefer not to swallow capsules. This supplement consists of liquid drops that you can add to juice, tea, or plain water. They're a great alternative for people who don't like taking pills. This supplement consists of a blend of herbs that may produce these benefits:

  • Promote healthy weight
  • Cleanse and strengthen the gut
  • Promote healthy blood sugar levels
  • Each drop of GlucoFlush contains 11 herbal "parasite flushers" that help cleanse your body of toxins and promote healthy blood sugar metabolism. These ingredients include:

  • Fennel seed
  • Marshmallow root
  • Black walnut hull
  • Pumpkin seed
  • Slippery elm bark
  • Wormwood herb
  • Clove bud
  • Oregano leaf oil
  • Garlic bulb
  • Peppermint leaf oil
  • Papaya seed extract
  • The creators designed GlucoFlush to help your body counter the parasites and other toxins you may take in from tap water. A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 44% of Americans have contaminated water. Pipes are often a breeding ground for gut parasites that impact weight gain, heart health, insulin levels, and blood sugar.

    GlucoFlush's ingredients can help your body counter these toxins in a few different ways:

  • Fennel seed may support healthy blood sugar, improve vitamin absorption, and aid weight loss.
  • Marshmallow root supports long-term gut health and blood pressure and has strong antimicrobial properties.
  • Pumpkin seed extract supports regular elimination and digestion, helping toxins pass through and out of your body, and boosts your immune response to resist viruses and infections.
  • The formula also includes garlic bulb extract because it contains over 100 antioxidants and promotes GI tract health. It may also boost your immunity. These ingredients have very different flavors, so GlucoFlush includes peppermint leaf oil to mask some of the flavors and produce a better-tasting drop. Peppermint leaf oil may even freshen your breath. It also has antimicrobial properties and supports restful sleep.

    To Take GlucoFlush, just fill up the included dropper and add the drops to your favorite drink. Your body will absorb the nutrients in this supplement.

    Still, you can try GlucoFlush for a full 60 days risk-free. The 60-day money-back guarantee means you get a refund if you decide the product isn't right for you. But you may be surprised by the health benefits you receive from this unique supplement.

    Click Here to Learn More About GlucoFlush

    What Are Blood Sugar Supplements?

    Blood sugar supplements are dietary supplements that target your blood sugar levels. These products may produce benefits like:

  • Improving insulin sensitivity
  • Supporting healthy glucose metabolism
  • Inhibiting sugar cravings
  • Reducing insulin resistance
  • Balancing post-meal blood sugar
  • To really understand blood sugar supplements, you should know the symptoms these products can help manage. When you experience high blood glucose levels, or hyperglycemia, you may notice symptoms like:

  • Increased thirst or dry mouth
  • Tiredness
  • Blurred vision
  • Needing to urinate frequently
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Anyone can experience high blood sugar from time to time. It could happen when you are dehydrated, stressed, eating too much, or falling behind on your exercise regimen. For people with diabetes mellitus, high blood glucose levels often result from impaired insulin resistance or insulin sensitivity.

    Diabetic patients can take blood sugar control supplements in addition to medication, helping them manage blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes complications. These supplements can also help people who don't have diabetes manage blood glucose levels, helping to delay or prevent the onset of diabetes mellitus and other health problems, like cardiovascular disease.

    Many blood glucose supplements support other aspects of your health, like glycemic control, insulin production, liver and kidney health, sleep quality, and energy levels. Some also contain ingredients that suppress your appetite, helping you stick to a healthy diet.

    How To Choose the Best Blood Sugar Support Supplements

    Choosing the best blood sugar supplements for your needs can be tricky. Numerous options exist across the market, with slightly different formulas and benefits. Even the five options on our list vary significantly, so how do you know which one to choose?

    You can start by breaking down a supplement into the different elements that contribute to its trustworthiness and effectiveness.


    When choosing the best blood glucose supplements, start by reviewing the ingredients list closely. Ingredients play a major role in the benefits you'll receive from a supplement, but they can also impact the supplement's safety.

    Dietary supplements don't need to receive approval from the FDA before hitting the shelves, so manufacturers can include pretty much whatever they want in these formulas. Do your due diligence to make sure a supplement's ingredient list is high-quality and effective.

    Many supplements break down their formulas on their websites, stating the benefits you can gain from each ingredient. If you notice any ingredients you're unfamiliar with, it doesn't hurt to research them further. Look for scientific studies assessing the benefits of that ingredient to get to the bottom of claims that supplement manufacturers make about their products.

    Quality Assurance

    You also need to make sure a supplement uses thorough quality assurance protocols when choosing the right supplement for your needs. A product can have a perfect ingredient list, but if the company that produces the supplement doesn't monitor the purity of its formulas or use good manufacturing practices, you can't trust it to be safe for your health.

    The best supplements for blood glucose control undergo third-party testing to make sure their concentrations match the label. They also use purity testing and come from GMP-certified facilities.


    Along with choosing a supplement with the right ingredients, you also need to make sure that the product doesn't contain unwanted additives or fillers that lower the quality of the formula. Review the formulation as a whole, not just to see what ingredients are inside. You should make sure that:

  • The ingredients are in effective concentrations that actually produce benefits for your blood sugar levels.
  • There aren't unnecessary fillers or additives, like starch, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, or microcrystalline cellulose.
  • If there are additives, they are only in the formula to make up the gel capsule, not to replace active ingredients.
  • Safety and Side Effects

    You'll also want to consider the safety and side effects of a supplement when choosing the right supplement for blood sugar management. If you have diabetes mellitus and are already taking a different medication to regulate blood sugar levels, make sure to talk to your doctor before beginning any diabetic supplements.

    Read the product page for your chosen supplement to discover any side effects you should watch out for. You can also read customer reviews to learn whether customers experienced any unwanted effects.

    Finally, be sure that the ingredients in the supplement do not overlap with any other supplements you may be taking. For example, if you're already taking chromium supplements, you may want to choose a product that doesn't contain chromium to avoid overdosing on this ingredient.


    When choosing a blood glucose supplement, make sure the cost is in a reasonable range that you can afford long-term. These supplements work best when you take them for at least 90 days, and their benefits will stop once you stop taking them. Because most bottles come with a 30-day supply of capsules, you'll likely want to purchase at least three bottles to give them a fair chance.

    You can find blood sugar supplements in varying price ranges. While price shouldn't be your sole deciding factor when choosing a product, it's something you should consider. The supplements on our list come with discounts for buying in bulk, so you can save money on multiple bottles by buying a several-month supply.

    Return Policy

    You'll also want to look at a product's return policy when choosing the top blood sugar supplements. Many supplements come with a money-back guarantee that allows you to try the product risk-free for a certain number of days. If you decide the supplement isn't a good fit for you during this window, you can return your unopened or empty bottles for a full refund, minus shipping costs.

    Supplements That Lower Blood Sugar Naturally

    Blood sugar supplements typically contain natural ingredients that lower your blood sugar without the use of any harsh chemicals or drugs. Below are a few ingredients that seem to have anti-glycemic effects for diabetic patients and those with prediabetes.


    Some studies have shown that cinnamon may help lower blood sugar naturally. For example, a 2011 meta-analysis found that cinnamon can produce a significant improvement in fasting blood sugar. Various kinds of cinnamon may produce this effect, including true cinnamon, Chinese cinnamon, and Indonesian cinnamon.

    However, other studies, like a 2012 Cochrane Review, found no effect on blood sugar in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus. This extract requires further research to determine its effects on fasting blood sugar, but it could be a promising natural diabetes treatment.

    American Ginseng

    American ginseng is another supplement that could naturally lower blood sugar levels. A 2019 study found that ginseng significantly reduced HbAIc (blood glucose) levels and fasting blood sugar levels.

    American ginseng may have a significant enough effect on blood sugar levels that it could interfere with diabetes medication. Some doctors warn their patients not to take ginseng supplements when taking prescription drugs for diabetes, including insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents.


    Berberine is a powerful natural supplement that could decrease blood sugar levels. This ingredient impacts blood sugar through its effect on the AMPK enzyme. Taking berberine may trigger AMPK activation, improving your insulin sensitivity and moving more glucose into the cells. This supplement can increase glucose uptake without impacting insulin levels.

    Along with helping to regulate blood sugar levels, berberine also has powerful effects on your cholesterol and lipoproteins.

    Vitamin D

    You'll often find vitamin D supplements when searching for diabetic supplements that lower blood sugar naturally. Researchers have discovered that low vitamin D levels may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Taking vitamin D supplements seems to significantly decrease fasting blood sugar levels.

    Vitamin D may also prevent complications associated with diabetes, such as diabetic neuropathy. It may also reduce insulin resistance, benefiting people with insulin sensitivity.


    Gymnema sylvestre is another herbal ingredient that may help regulate blood sugar levels naturally. Doctors often recommend avoiding gymnema while taking medications to treat diabetes, as it could cause blood sugar levels to drop too low.

    Taking a blood sugar control supplement with gymnema sylvestre could suppress the taste of sugar in the foods you eat, potentially helping you resist sugar cravings and stick to a healthy diet. It may also block the absorption of fat and glucose in the intestines.


    Magnesium is a natural supplement that can lower blood glucose and help improve insulin sensitivity. One study found that type 2 diabetes is often associated with extracellular and intracellular magnesium deficits. Another study found that magnesium supplementation reduces insulin resistance and improves glycemic control.

    Magnesium contributes to your cells' ability to use insulin effectively, which can balance your insulin levels. Taking magnesium supplements boasts many benefits, including lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease, but it's also a great idea for people with diabetes.

    Alpha-Lipoic Acid

    Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant that may help you maintain healthy blood glucose levels naturally. A 2011 study found that alpha-lipoic acid may exert cytoprotective effects on pancreatic cells, which meant it protects the tissue of your pancreas. These cells have to work harder in people with type 2 diabetes to control high blood sugar levels, but taking a supplement like alpha-lipoic acid can help strengthen these cells.

    Alpha-lipoic acid may also benefit people with diabetic neuropathy. It can kill free radicals in the body that cause pain, burning, itching, and numbness in people with nerve damage. Additionally, alpha-lipoic acid may lower blood sugar levels directly, also benefiting diabetic patients.


    Chromium supplements are also common natural treatments for people with high blood sugar levels. This ingredient is an essential mineral that contributes to insulin secretion to regulate blood sugar levels. Taking a chromium supplement can help improve insulin sensitivity and lower glucose levels, but these effects are more apparent in people with chromium deficiencies.

    Types of Blood Sugar Supplements

    You can find a few different types of blood sugar control supplements on the market: herbal supplements, mineral supplements, vitamin supplements, and supplements that combine the ingredients of the other types. Here's a quick review of each option to help you make a more informed purchase decision.

    Herbal Supplements

    Herbal supplements are a type of blood glucose supplement that contains plant extracts and botanicals, such as:

  • Ginseng
  • Cinnamon
  • Fennel seed
  • The ingredients in these supplements often date back to ancient medicine, when people had to rely on plants to heal diseases.

    Mineral Supplements

    Mineral supplements are another form of blood glucose supplement you'll see during your research. These supplements may include ingredients like:

  • Magnesium
  • Alpha-lipoic acid
  • Zinc
  • Folate
  • The goal of these supplements is generally to make up for mineral deficiencies that may be impacting your blood glucose levels or insulin sensitivity.

    Vitamin Supplements

    You'll also see a type of blood glucose supplement that contains mainly vitamins, such as:

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin D offers many benefits for glycemic control and insulin resistance, while vitamin C and vitamin E are both important to a balanced diet. Like mineral supplements, vitamin supplements often make up for deficiencies that are present in many diabetic patients.

    Combination Supplements

    Combination supplements are the type of supplement that defines most of the products on the list above. These supplements contain a blend of plant extracts, vitamins, and minerals to support healthy blood glucose levels, improve insulin resistance, support healthy blood circulation, and promote glycemic control.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Blood Sugar Control Supplements Who can benefit from taking a blood sugar supplement?

    You may benefit from taking blood sugar supplements if you have diabetes or prediabetes and your doctor recommends these supplements. You may also benefit from these products if you experience occasional high blood glucose levels from another cause.

    Do glucose control supplements actually work?

    Glucose control supplements do work to an extent. They won't replace diabetes medications for most patients, and their effects are generally mild. They work best on people who have certain deficiencies that can lead to high blood sugar, such as vitamin D deficiency.

    Can blood sugar supplements help with diabetes?

    Blood sugar supplements can help certain patients who have diabetes. Your doctor may recommend these supplements if you don't yet need prescription medication to balance blood sugar levels. Doctors sometimes recommend patients with diabetes take certain supplements, like magnesium or chromium, in addition to their diabetes medication.

    Who should avoid taking supplements to lower blood sugar?

    Generally, you shouldn't take blood sugar supplements if any of the following are true:

  • You are taking prescription diabetes medication and haven't checked with your doctor
  • You are already taking supplements that contain overlapping ingredients with blood sugar supplements
  • You are under 18
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You struggle with low blood sugar
  • Can lifestyle changes help lower glucose levels?

    Certain lifestyle changes may help you maintain normal blood sugar levels, whether you have diabetes, prediabetes, or another condition. You can try managing blood sugar on your own by:

  • Improving your sleep quality
  • Managing your weight
  • Exercising regularly — at least 150 minutes each week
  • Staying hydrated
  • Lowering your stress levels
  • E
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