Otolaryngology Conference: Comprehensive Otolaryngology 2019 - Boston March 29-31, 2019 - MD Linx

This course is designed to address the practice gaps and the educational needs of general otolaryngologists. The course will span two and a half days and will consist of didactic lectures, panel discussions, and Q&A sessions. The panel discussions will discuss challenging clinical cases that are chosen to complement the lectures and to help apply the knowledge acquired in the course to clinical practice. An ample opportunity for Q&A will be provided at the end of every section and during breaks when the attendees and faculty are encouraged to interact freely. The two main clinical foci of the course are paranasal sinus disorders and sleep-disordered breathing. However, the course extends into the various otolaryngology subspecialties that general otolaryngologists may encounter in their clinical practice. The first day is dedicated to epistaxis management, frontal sinus surgery, FESS, ESS, smell and taste dysfunction, sleep disordered breathing, nasal and soft palate surgery in OSAS, functional rhinoplasty and nasal valve surgery. The remaining day and a half covers Meniere's disease, idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss, stapedectomy, chronic otitis media and tympanomastoidectomy, ossicular reconstruction, endoscopic middle ear surgery, pediatric congenital and genetic hearing loss, pediatric chronic serous otitis media, adenoid hypertrophy, pediatric neck masses, pediatric sinusitis, vocal fold paralysis, benign laryngeal lesions, videostroboscopy, voice therapy, thyroid ultrasound, management of the neck in head and neck carcinoma, parotidectomy, oral cancer management, head and neck melanoma, hyperparathyroidism, management of thyroid nodule, recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring during thyroid gland surgery, papillary thyroid carcinoma.

18.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ - maximum

Venue: Meltzer Auditorium, Massachusetts Eye and Ear


March 29-31, 2019


Boston, Massachusetts 02114, United States







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