Dennison Hearing Solutions marks first anniversary this week -

In Dacula-based Dennison Hearing Solutions' first year, William Dennison has devoted a good bit of time to education.

That education has mainly centered around informing people about why they should get hearing screenings, but that's just one of the ways Dennison has spent the last year. He has also worked with people who have some degree of hearing loss regain their hearing.

"Nationally, the average person that is being fit with hearing aids for the first time has needed them for an estimated 7 years," Dennison Hearing Solutions officials said. "In those 7 years, the patient has undoubtedly missed or struggled with conversations, they’ve grown frustrated with loved ones and loved ones have grown frustrated with them."

This week marks one year since William Dennison opened Dennison Hearing Solutions. Officially, the anniversary is Wednesday.

The Dacula business heavily focuses on promoting hearing checks for people who are 55 or older. As the business reaches its first anniversary, it continues to promote a message of the importance of getting hearing checks.

"Many of Dennison’s patients have said the evaluation they got from him is the most thorough one they have ever had," Dennison Hearing Solutions officials said. "The first symptom most people have when they are developing a hearing loss is not being able to understand conversation in a noisy restaurant.

"And yet, when most people get their hearing tested nothing is done to see if they have a problem hearing in noise. The standard hearing evaluation only reveals part of the picture, which tells you how well you hear certain sounds, but Dennison takes the extra time to perform tests than can actually determine how well you understand speech in both quiet and noise."


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