Why you should take care of your ears while hunting - WOODTV.com

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOTV) – If you love hunting, you know that having a keen ear is one of the hunter’s most important assets. And you also know that it’s essential to protect your hearing against sudden gunshots or other hunting-related noises. Studies have found that men over the age of 48 who hunt regularly are statistically more likely to experience high-frequency hearing loss – the type associated with damage from sudden loud explosions. At the same time, the evidence suggests that many hunters fail to take precautions to avoid serious hearing problems. So, how can you protect your ears while out stalking your prey? Here is how to keep your ears in great shape while out in the country with your buddies.
The importance of protecting your ears when hunting
Hunting is one of America’s national sports, with over 13 million people enjoying the activity every year. Obviously that results in a lot of fun and pleasure, but it also has a less enjoyable consequence: plenty of exposure to extremely loud noises. All you have to do is read the biographies of some great American hunters to understand the risks.
For instance, take Elmer Keith or Nash Buckingham – both of whom were almost deafened by their passion for firearms and hunting. You don’t have to shoot day in, day out to experience the same problems. Every shot you make without protection damages the incredibly sensitive hair cells in your inner ear which detect vibrations and tell your brain what it is hearing. And when those cells are damaged, they never come back. With that in mind, take action to protect your hearing whenever you hunt.
A small investment in noise-cancelling earplugs or a specialist hunting hearing aid could avoid costly medical expenses and hearing impairment further down the line, and ensure that you can hunt with your friends for as long as you can.
Come in to one of our locations and we will test your hearing and establish a baseline. We can advise you on the best solution for your situation and we can monitor you hearing yearly to detect any changes.
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