Pregnant or Expecting? This Brochure Tells You What TRICARE Covers - TRICARE Newsroom

You may be planning to have a child, or perhaps you're already expecting. Are you familiar with what TRICARE covers for maternity and newborn care? If not, the TRICARE Maternity Care Brochure has information to help you learn about maternity care services, delivery options, costs, and newborn care.
"The TRICARE Maternity Care Brochure is a quick resource for beneficiaries who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant to refer to along their pregnancy and early parenthood journey," said Robert Agnello, deputy chief of Digital Communications at the Defense Health Agency.
Here's a look at what's in the brochure.
1. Covered Maternity Care Services
TRICARE covers maternity care services that are medically necessary. You can review a list of several of these covered services under the "Maternity Care Coverage" section. Some services highlighted in the brochure include:  
If you have TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select, additional childbirth and breastfeeding services, like doulas and lactation specialists, are now available through the Childbirth and Breastfeeding Support Demonstration. Find out how you qualify and what support services are covered.
2. Getting Maternity Care
Your guidelines for getting maternity care vary based on your TRICARE health plan and your beneficiary status. Where you live also matters. For example, do you live close to a military hospital or clinic that provides maternity care services? Are you living stateside or overseas? The table on page 2 of the brochure provides a breakdown of health plans for you to see how you can get care based on your plan and location. Health plans highlighted in the brochure include:  
If you're planning to move during your pregnancy, certain things may change in regards to your maternity care options and providers in your new location. The brochure touches on how you can navigate a relocation as well.
3. Getting Coverage for Your Newborn
Not only does the brochure provide details about how you get care, but it describes the rules for how you can get TRICARE coverage for your newborn, adopted, or court-appointed child. See the "Coverage for Your New Child" section for all the details. Topics include:  
Be sure to check out the TRICARE Maternity Care Brochure for information to help you and your growing family. If you have questions, be sure to reach out to your health care provider. You can also talk to your TRICARE regional contractor. After you review the brochure, take the publications survey and share your feedback with us.
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