A familial case of MYH9 gene mutation associated with multiple functional and structural platelet abnormalities ...
types of numerical chromosomal aberrations :: Article Creator Biological Dosimetry: Chromosomal Aberration Analysis For Dose Assessment Cite this content as: INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Biological Dosimetry: Chromosomal Aberration Analysis for Dose Assessment, Technical Reports Series No. 260, IAEA, Vienna (1986) Download to:EndNote BibTeX*use BibTeX for Zotero Chromosomal Aberrations Play A Major Role In Autism A study, resulting from genome-wide scans of families affected with by autism spectrum disorder (ASD), has shown that previously unknown chromosomal aberrations have an important role to play in the ubiquitous disorder. The researchers have said that structural variations in chromosomes influence ASD and they suggest a routine clinical workup. This report is published online on the 17th January in the American Journal of Human Genetics, a...