Uniontown student suing district, football coaches over alleged hazing - WPXI Pittsburgh

UNIONTOWN, Pa. - A high school football player in Uniontown said his eardrum was ruptured during a hazing incident.

The student is suing the school district and coaches, claiming they did not do enough to stop it.

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The suit says the victim was hit in the head and ear when he was sleeping, and claims the coaches then made fun of the student following the incident because of his hearing loss.

"The incident with my client was wholly preventable if the coaches charged with the protection of these students had done their job and made sure that when these students were placed in a large open area they were supervised," attorney Joel Sansone said.

The alleged incident happened in August, 2018 at 1 a.m. The victim's lawyer told Channel 11 that after the incident the coaches made fun of his hearing loss.

"It's bad enough that you dont do your job instead of watching kids making sure they were safe, but then to make fun of the kid in front of other kids because he cant hear well now because of your negligence thats going a litle bit far," Sansone said.




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