Franklin County Home Health names Andrea Patrick-Baudet new CEO - St. Albans Messenger

There's a new angel at the helm of Franklin County Health Agency, a "New England girl" at heart with a passion for French.
"This is a very nice match for me," said Andrea Patrick-Baudet, Franklin County Home Health Agency's new CEO. "To come from such a mission-driven organization to come to a place with a similar philosophy."
Currently, Patrick-Baudet is the Chief Clinical Officer of the Granite VNA in Concord New Hampshire, but originally she studied French language as her primary focus.
When she and her husband began their family, Patrick-Baudet chose a new career in nursing and found a very deep connection in hospice work.
"I have long felt that I am a clinician first and foremost," Patrick-Baudet said. "And death, like birth, is a really intimate and precious time."
Patrick-Baudet recalled memories she's spent caring for and loving clients in their final moments, listening to them sing, pray, or even just being present with them in times of sickness, health, uncertainty and grief.
"It's an honor to be a part of that experience," Patrick-Baudet said.
Patrick-Baudet's tenure comes on the heels of long-time CEO Janet McCarthy, who retired after a trying year steering Franklin County Home Health Agency through COVID, vaccinations and one of the most difficult times in all of healthcare history.
"When emergency preparedness became a part of home and hospice, it was new territory," Patrick-Baudet said. "In a really odd way, this experience prepared me to take this next step in my career."
While at Granite Visiting Nurse Association, Patrick-Baudet served as incident commander and spearheaded operations during a time when guidance from the CDC changed everyday, sometimes multiple times a day.
Now Patrick-Baudet said she's looking forward to returning to Vermont to lead the Franklin County Home Health Agency into a brighter future armed with the wisdom and experience that came with unprecedented tragedy.
"I was How were we going to get through this?" Patrick Baudet said. "The weight of that responsibility was unlooked for in a way."
Patrick-Baudet comes to the Franklin County Home Health Agency Inc. as a former Vice President of Hospice Services and Chief Clinical Officer, a registered nurse and with certifications in Hospice and Palliative Care.
"We are incredibly excited about our new CEO, as she has the clinical, operational and executive leadership experience to help build on the incredible work of our team," said FCHHA Board of Directors member Corey Parent.
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