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von willebrand types :: Article Creator

Identification Of A Von Willebrand Factor Type A Protein Affecting Both Grain And Flag Leaf Morphologies In Wheat


Figure 1 Map-based cloning and functional characterization of rg1

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Credit: ©Science China Press

This study is reported by Luxiang Liu's group from the Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural science, Beijing. Wheat production is essential for global food security, and continual improvement to grain yield is necessary to meet the nutritional demands of the expanding human population. Grain size is positively correlated with grain weight, while the flag leaf serves as the major source of photosynthetic assimilates for grain development, therefore grain and flag leaf morphologies are determining factors in the final yield potential of wheat. Identification of genes involved in both grain and flag leaf morphologies remains is an essential step in precision breeding and cultivation of wheat with high yield potential. Chunyun Zhou, Hongchun Xiong, and their colleagues in Liu's group identified a von Willebrand factor type A (vWA)-/Vwaint domain-containing protein, which affects grain size and flag leaf morphology, by map-based cloning from a round grain 1 (rg1) wheat mutant, and they revealed the molecular mechanism of phenotypic variations in the mutants.

The team identified a round grain (rg1) mutant with shorter flag leaf and plant height from the background of winter wheat variety Zhongmai 175, and fine mapped the rg1 gene to a 163 kb physical interval on chromosome 7D. Gene sequencing analysis indicated that the TraesCS7D02G010200 encoding a vWA and Vwaint domain-containing protein was the candidate gene of RG1. Missense mutations in seven round grain/short flag leaf mutants from backgrounds of Jing411 and Nongda5181 supported that TraesCS7D02G010200 was the causal gene for altered grain size and flag leaf morphology. Further protein structural modeling indicated that amino acid substitutions located at the critical sites for protein folding, especially in the highly conserved Vwaint domain, resulted in the round grain/short flag leaf phenotype. Further analyses on protein interaction and hormone content suggest that RG1 may regulate GA and ABA levels via interaction with the isoprenoid synthesis protein, MCT, which could contribute to reduced grain size and flag leaf length. Additionally, natural variation populations were also used to identify haplotypes that are associated with varying grain size-related traits.       

This study reveals the functions of vWA domain in the regulation of grain size and flag leaf morphology. It provides a theoretical basis and genetic resources including RG1 haplotypes that can facilitate improvement of grain size and weight in wheat and potentially other cereal crops.


Science China Life Sciences

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Type A And Type B Personality Theory

You know the "type:" So-called "Type A" personalities are hard-charging, determined to compete and to win. Combining traits such as drive and impatience, Type A was once thought to be related to heart disease—an association that has since been challenged. "Type B" was proposed as the more easygoing, tolerant personality, in contrast to Type A.

More recently, the concept of "Type D" (for "distressed") personality has been studied by psychologists, leading to new explorations of personality-health associations.

Despite the popularity of personality-type concepts, personality scientists say that thinking in terms of distinct types is an oversimplified approach to personality.

Bleeding Disorders - Statistics & Facts

Bleeding disorders affect the clotting of blood and can result in excessive bleeding inside and outside of the body. Bleeding disorders are almost always inherited and common symptoms include easy bruising, frequent nosebleeds, heavy menstrual bleeding, and excessive bleeding from small cuts. Treatments vary depending on the type of disorder, but may include factor replacement therapy, iron supplementation, topical products or sprays, or blood transfusions. The most common types of bleeding disorders are hemophilia A and B and von Willebrand disease. In 2022, there were around 257,146 people worldwide who

and 100,505 who had been diagnosed with von Willebrand disease.

Hemophilia Hemophilia is perhaps the most well-known bleeding disorder. There are three types of hemophilia - hemophilia A, the most common type, hemophilia B, also called Christmas disease, and hemophilia C, the rarest type. In 2022, it was estimated that around 14,200 people in the United States had been diagnosed with hemophilia A, while around 4,400 had been diagnosed with hemophilia B. Hemophilia is more common among males than females, with around 91 percent of hemophilia A cases worldwide occurring among males. Modern treatments for hemophilia have greatly increased the life quality and expectancy of those suffering from the disorder. Before current available treatments, the life expectancy of someone with hemophilia was only 30 years, but today someone diagnosed with this disorder can expect to live up to 68 years on average.Von Willebrand disease In 2022, it was estimated that almost 14 thousand people in the United States had been diagnosed with von Willebrand disease (VWD). Much like with hemophilia, VWD also has several types, most commonly type 1, type 2, and type 3. As of 2023, females accounted for about 68 percent of all type 1 VWD patients, while they accounted for 51 percent of type 3 VWD patients. VWD is most commonly inherited from a parent and is much more prevalent among the white population in the U.S. Than among other races. Although there is no cure for VWD, with self-care and quality treatment, most of those diagnosed are able to lead active lives.

This text provides general information. Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date data than referenced in the text.


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